Chapter 32

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"So you're telling me Oh Yoon Hee pushed Seol Ah off the balcony?"

Mirae asked surprised once Logan told her who murdered Min Seol Ah. Logan simply nodded.

"Well then I'm going to leave for school, the only reason I came here was to find out who killed Seol Ah"

Mirae simply said picking up her bag.

"Are you angry at me?"

Logan asked the girl, he could see she was clearly upset.

"Am I?"

Mirae asked looking a Logan with no expression on her face.

"The kids deserved it Mirae, you should be glad-"

"They were scared to death, Seokyung couldn't sleep last night she was that scared."

Mirae said her voice rising a little.

"Seol Ah was also scared, when they left her alone in the burning vehicle"

As soon as Logan said Mirae looked down. She knew he was right. She remembered how scared Min Seol Ah sounded that night; maybe her friends were really at fault. She hated what happened last night but maybe they deserved some of it.

"I'm sorry maybe you were right this time"

Mirae said still looking down.

"Kim Mirae, it's okay to be worried for your friends, but always remember evil is always punished"

Logan said and Mirae smiled sadly recalling Min Seol Ah saying the exact same words.

"Well I hope they're punished enough and there's nothing more"

Mirae said looking up at Logan meekly.

"Hmm I promise"

Logan said causing Mirae to smile.

"Though Mirae are you sure you're worried for all your friends?"

"Of course why wouldn't I be?"

"Are you sure you're not only worried for umm a specific dark haired boy ahh what's his name, Seokhoon?"

Logan said causing Mirae to glare at him.

"Why would I only be worried for him?"

"Because you like him in a different way than your other friends"

"Where did you get that idea from, I, him, he isn't special to me at all"

Mirae said started walking towards the door to leave the room.

"Sure sure but don't worry I think he's a good boy you have my permission to go out with him"

Logan shouted at the walking girl with a smile on his face.

School was more hectic than usual, apparently an article was released that Cheon Seojin had changed the test scores which ended up in her getting arrested and being taken to the police station in front of the entire school, Mirae knew it was Logan's, Suryeon's and her mothers doing. At home she found out Joo Dan Tae had also been taken by the police for something she didn't quite understand.

The next day was worse. Mirae had gone to grab a drink for herself when Rona came running towards her.

"All the kids are picking on the Hera Palace kids"

Rona said clearly out of breath.

"What? Why? I guess I should go, you're coming?"

Mirae asked Rona as she started following her.

"You're my friend and if you're going to go help them I'll help you"

Rona smiled at Mirae. Mirae smiled back she would be lying if she wasn't happy deep down.

"Hey stop it how much immature can you get?"

Mirae shouted at the kids who had gathered around her friends.

"Mirae you're finally here"

A girl said to Mirae as Mirae glared back at her.

"You see Kim Mirae your friends no longer hold the power that they used to which means Seokhoon isn't as special as he was before so how about we both start going out now?"

A boy came closer to Mirae and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Mirae was about to get out of his grasp but Seokhoon punched him in the face before she could.

"Seokhoon what-"

Mirae was about to say but noticed everyone fighting with someone including Bae Rona. Mirae looked around wondering whether to stop the fights or not when she felt someone kick her causing her to stumble.

"Did you, did you just kick me?"

Mirae asked the girl who was smirking at her. Seeing her smirk made Mirae loose her patience and she wen up to her and started pulling her hair causing the girl to squeal like a hyena.

"What is going on here? Everyone go back to your classes"

Everyone heard Maa Duki say and the students started dispersing to their classrooms. The Hera Palace kids and Rona were also about to go but Maa Duki stopped them and made them pick up all the trash.

"Two sided hypocritical bi-"

Mirae was about to curse but stopped when she noticed everyone looking at her. After everyone had picked up the trash they started walking back to their class.

"Mirae I never knew you could fight like that"

Seokhoon said as he walked next to Mirae.

"Well to be honest I didn't know either"

Mirae whispered back causing Seokhoon to lightly laugh.

This wasn't the end of the chaos that happened in the high school that day. During class Oh Yoon Hee came running in looking around for someone. Once she spotted Bae Rona she rushed closer to her and grabbed her in a hug. Its lovely how she cares about her own daughter so much but didn't care when someone else's daughter was involved Mirae thought to herself as she glared at the woman in front of her.

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