Chapter 25

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"I messed up, the script was in English"

Jenny said as she came back from her audition.

"In English?"

Mirae asked her a surprised look on her face.

"The script is never in English"

Seokyung said getting up from her seat and coming closer towards Jenny. Mirae glanced at Bae Rona who looked at her with worried eyes.

Earlier the two had overheard Eunbyeol practicing a script in English while in the restroom.

"Was she practicing the actual script?"

Rona asked Mirae who had a surprised look on her face.

"No that's impossible her mother doesn't have the script does she?"

Mirae looked at Rona.

"Knowing her mother she could pay someone to get the script for her"

Rona said looking at Mirae who still didn't believe what she had seen.

"I have to tell the teachers"

Rona said and was about to leave when Mirae stopped her.

"No wait if we warn the teachers Eunbyeol will find out as well, how about we drop the bomb when it's our turn. Who ever gets called first, they go and tell the judges what we heard. The judges won't have a choice but to change the script. Eunbyeol won't find out till it's her turn, so it'll be a surprise for her as well"

Mirae thoughtfully said.

"Wahh Kim Mirae who knew such ideas could come in your mind?"

Rona said a look of awe on her face.

"I'm friends with the Joo twins what else did you expect?"

Mirae jokingly said as the two headed to the waiting room.

Maa Duki came in the room and announced it was Bae Rona's turn next. Rona looked at Mirae, who subtly nodded and smiled at her, wishing Rona comes back successfully.

"Don't worry everything will be fine"

Mirae said to Seokyung ho was glaring at Eunbyeol who had just said that it really wasn't a problem for her if the script was in English. Rona came back and showed Mirae a thumb's up indicating the work was done. Mirae smiled before turning to the girl who had no idea what had happened. This wasn't unfair at all to her. Who told her to go and study one script that her mother gave to her? When it was Mirae's turn she was glad to see the script in Korean.

After the audition was over, Mirae was walking trying to look for Rona to congratulate and appreciate the girl for taking such a big stand. She was surprised to see the girl on the floor shaking Ha Eunbyeol who was unconscious on the ground. She ran closer just in time to see a teacher taking Ha Eunbyeol to the nurse's office.

"What happened?"

She asked Rona who had a scared look on her face.

"She came up to me and started mocking me and then I then I started walking away and she fell down and I turned around and thought she was acting but she wasn't acting and and apparently she had fainted, I didn't do anything to her I swear"

Rona said with breaks in between. Mirae could see she was scared and worried. Mirae was about to say something when she saw Rona's mother come towards them. Mirae greeted Oh Yoon Hee politely, who was now almost most of the time at her house with her mother, before leaving the two and heading towards her own family who was waiting for her outside.

"Ha Eunbyeol fainted"

She whispered to Seokyung as she neared the group of her family and the Joo family.

"What is she trying to do now?"

Seokyung asked no one in particular. Mirae shrugged not knowing what was going on herself.

Mirae and her mother walked towards the penthouse, for the party the owners had prepared to celebrate their children becoming the schools ambassadors.

"Seokyung, Seokhoon Congratulations "

Mirae smiled at the two before reaching out to hug Seokyung and then hugging Seokhoon. She then greeted their mother too who also pulled her in a hug. Lastly she turned towards their father and bowed to him with a fake smile on her face hiding the disgust she felt for that man.

"Now you two don't start acting all high and mighty because you're the school representatives and ambassadors. Don't forget your little friend"

Mirae said to the two smiling. Mirae was genuinely happy for the two; she knew they'd both do an amazing job.

Slowly the room filled with all the Hera Palace kids and their parents. Mr. Lee Minhyuk's father stood up and congratulated the twins for being the first ever twins to become ambassador of the school. Everyone was laughing and talking when two more guests came to the penthouse. Mirae was surprised to see Bae Rona and her mother walk in. Shim Suryeon and Eun Sook stood up to greet the two. Mr. Lee also appreciated Rona for what she did today before telling his son to give the twins the gifts he had brought. Mirae noticed that upon seeing the other kids give the gifts Bae Rona hid the two boxes that she had brought behind her. Mirae softly nudged Seokhoon silently telling him to do something. She smiled when she saw Seokhoon grabbing the boxes and handing one of them to Mirae. Seokyung unwillingly opened the box just to find a key ring inside.

"Oh it's so cute right Seokyung?"

Mirae exclaimed upon seeing the key ring.

"I like it thank you Rona"

Seokhoon said.

"Yeah it's cute Thanks Rona"

Seokyung also said. Mirae noticed a smile made its way to Rona's face as she told the two that it was nothing. The rest of the time all the kids spent together in the community room laughing and talking about different things.

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