Chapter 12

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Seol Ah told Mirae to head to class without her as she had to stop somewhere before. Mirae agreed and after telling the girl to be on time, Mirae went skipping towards her classroom. On her way she saw the Joo twins also heading to class, remembering what Seol Ah said to her Mirae rushed forward and wrapped her hands around both the twins shoulders, which was very uncomfortable considering Seokhoon was way taller than her and Seokyung was the same height as her.

"You're here"

Seokyung asked Mirae.

"Yup, sorry I couldn't come with you guys"

Mirae said smiling at the two. The twins just shook their heads glad Mirae was back to normal with the two.

"Mirae guess what my mother got me"

Jenny said running towards Mirae as soon as she entered the classroom.

"Ooo its really pretty Jenny"

Mirae said looking at the bracelet on Jenny's wrist.

"You, what do you have to say for yourself? You've been ignoring this handsome face like plague"

Minhyuk came and stood in front of Mirae a frown on his face.

"Who are you talking about? It can't be you, I mean you're not really that handsome are you?"

Mirae said a sly smile on her face.

"Are you sure you don't need glasses?"

Minhyuk asked her a shocked look on his face.

"I see just fine"

"I don't think so I mean anyone can see I'm very handsome"

"I think only you can see it"

Seokyung said to Minhyuk. Mirae lightly laughed before sharing a high five with Seokyung. The two of them along with Seokhoon headed to grab a seat together.

"This conversation isn't over Kim Mirae"

Minhyuk said to Mirae with an annoyed look on his face but deep down he was glad Mirae was talking to him again. He missed these little banters they had. Just then Min Seol Ah came in the room and the entire atmosphere of the room shifted. Noticing this Mirae was about to stand up but Seol Ah subtly shook her head not wanting to drag Mirae in another mess. Confused Mirae didn't move but just looked at Seol ah as Jenny started to make fun of her. Mirae started fiddling with her hands wanting to stand up to stop Jenny but thinking there was probably a reason why Seol Ah stopped her. While looking at the scene unfold in front of her eyes, she felt a hand cover her two hands stopping them from fiddling with each other. She looked up at Seokhoon, who wasn't looking at her but instead was looking at Eunbyeol and Seol Ah, his hand still holding Mirae's hands. Shaking her head Mirae looked back at Seol Ah and noticed Seokyung saying something in her ear. Knowing things might get out of hand, Mirae stood up but before she could say something, Seol Ah had already grabbed Seokyung from the collar. Seokhoon at once shouted at the girl to let his sister go but Mirae had a smile on her face she was glad Seol Ah could handle herself easily. Just then the teacher came in and everyone scrambled to his or her seats. Mirae hared a look with Seol Ah asking her if she was fine and was relieved when Seol Ah smiled back at her.

"You okay?"

Mirae whispered to Seokyung, who nodded while glaring at Min Seol Ah. Mirae sighed. This was going to be a long year. The teacher had just told Min Seol Ah that she was requested in the head office. Seol Ah picked up her bag and left without sparring a glance to any Hera Palace kid. Mirae decided to follow the girl and see what was up so after excusing herself she left the classroom in search of her new friend. She spotted her coming out of the Directors office and rushed beside her.

"Are you alright? Why didn't you let me say anything back there?"

"I didn't want to drag you in my mess again"

"Min Seol Ah we're friends now you're mess is my mess"

Mirae said to the girl who smiled widely.

"Anyway what did she say to you?"

Mirae asked her tilting her head towards the director's office.

"She wanted to me to leave the school, I declined"

"Are you sure she'll just let you go just like that?"

"She has no choice, I have something against her that nobody knows"

"Min Seol Ah make sure you don't get in any danger, these people can be very dangerous"

"Mirae I did a lot to get in this school I'll do anything to stay in it"

"If you need any help remember you have me ok?"

"Of course Mirae. Thank you for being on my side"

Seol Ah said before leaving Mirae standing alone. Mirae was about to leave as well when she heard someone call her name.

"Seokhoon the way you follow me around someone might think you like me"

Mirae said in joking tone making Seokhoon cough.

"I'm just worried about you"

"I'm fine see nothings wrong, Let's go to class come on"

Mirae said to Seokhoon and the two of them walked together back to class

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