Chapter 19

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"He tried to send you abroad?"

Mirae asked Seokyung as the two sat on Mirae's bed eating snacks while Seokyung told her what had happened at the Penthouse earlier.

"Apparently he thinks I can't spend the rest of my life under my brothers shadow"

Seokyung said grabbing a crisp from the bowl.

"Wah I'm glad Miss Suryeon came in between and stopped him"

Mirae said glad that she wasn't receiving the news of her friend suddenly leaving.

"Hmm I liked it. It was as if she was on my side"

Seokyung said with a small smile on her face.

"She's your mother Seokyung, whether biologically related or not, She'll always be on your side"

Mirae said looking at her best friend who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.

"Anyways, you've got to work hard to win the grand prize now"

Mirae said to Seokyung.

"I'll come up with a plan to eliminate all possible competition"

"Eliminate? Don't you mean beat all possible competition"

Mirae asked her friend a scared look on her face.

"We'll see what I do, Mirae ah whatever I'll do you'll be on my side right?"

"As long as it's not illegal"

"Great, with you and oppa on my side, I'll make sure to get that grand prize"

Seokyung said. Mirae wondered what was going on in Seokyungs mind and she hoped the girl wasn't putting herself in any danger.

It was the first official day at Cheon AH Arts school after the opening ceremony and Mirae felt quite excited as she admired herself in the mirror wearing her new uniform.

"Eomma I think I like this uniform more than my old one"

Mirae said while the Kim's were having breakfast.

"You look pretty in it"

Eun Sook said smiling at her daughter.

"I look pretty in everything"

Mirae cheekily said and she got up to place her plate in the dishwasher.

"Ok Eomma I'll get going then"

Mirae said as she kissed her mother goodbye and went to wait for the twins downstairs. After a few minutes of waiting the twins also came and they all went to sit in the car together. Just like usual, Mirae sat in the middle and the twins sat on each side.

"Isn't that Bae Rona?"

Mirae asked as she spotted a girl in their uniform trying to climb the school walls.

"Oppa you should go and help her"

Seokyung suddenly said.

"Why should I go help her?"

Seokhoon asked Seokyung while Mirae also looked at Seokyung in surprise.

"It's all part of my plan. You see once you show a little kindness to Rona she'll be following you around like a little puppy, girls like her always are the easiest to get to. Come on oppa do you want me to go abroad alone?"

Seokyung asked Seokhoon when she saw him hesitate. Mirae just looked at the two left and right trying to figure out what was going on. Seokhoon left the car to go help the struggling girl as Mirae turned to Seokyung.

"How does this fit in your plan?"

She asked Seokyung who was looking at the two outside.

"You'll see Mirae you'll see"

Seokyung said smirking. Seokhoon came back inside and the car started again. Mirae looked at Seokhoon and frowned a little. Why did she find it annoying that he had went to help Bae Rona? Mirae shook her head. No Kim Mirae that's wrong of you to be angry at him when he did something nice, Mirae thought as she let her mind wander somewhere else.

Mirae had her head down on her desk while waiting for the teacher to come when she heard a commotion. Looking up, she sighed. Here they go again Mirae thought to herself as she saw all the kids gathering around Bae Rona and saying mean stuff to her. Mirae smiled when she saw Rona not backing down and replying to them, it reminded her of Min Seol Ah. Mirae continued to look at the scene in front of her, planning to say something if things went too far. As Rona tried finding a seat to sit on but someone would try to stop her. Shaking her head at her classmates, Mirae stood up.

"Bae Rona, the seat in front of me isn't taken, why don't you sit here?"

She said to the girl, who smiled at her grateful for her help. Bae Rona sat down and was taking out her stuff when Eunbyeol announced that she was having a party and everyone was invited except Bae Rona.

"Seokyung, Seokhoon, Mirae you will come too right?"

Eunbyeol turned to the three.

"Sorry I don't think we can make it"

Seokyung said before standing up and heading towards Rona's seat.

"Bae Rona wanna come over to my house today?"

Seokyung asked the girl who had a surprised look on her face.

"If you come over, I'll come as well"

Mirae said smiling at Rona, who agreed with a smile on her face. Just then their new homeroom teacher, Maa Duki and everyone scrambled to their seats.

"The more I look at her the more I like her"

Mirae heard Seokyung say as the three were standing watching Eunbyeol and Rona fight. Before the fight could get more out of hand Cheon Seojin came and stopped it. Mirae rolled her eyes when she saw the lady taking her daughters side without knowing anything. The bell rang and everyone dispersed back to his or her classes.

This was one eventful first day Mirae thought to herself as she skipped back to class.

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