Chapter 11

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Mirae was currently getting ready for school. All the students who passed the test to Cheong Ah Arts high school would be there. After the opening ceremony the actual classes will begin. Mirae didn't want to go to school at all. She just wanted to stay in her room eat ice cream and watch a sad movie. Or the drama the light in your eyes that drama never failed to make her cry. But she knew her mother might think something was really wrong with her that she didn't want to go to school and she didn't want that. After changing in her school uniform Mirae headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Eomma can I take the bus to school today?"

She asked her mother who looked up at her in surprise.

"Sure you can but why? Did you have a fight with the Joo twins?"

"No I wanna go with one of my friends. Seokyung and Seokhoon aren't close to her so it'd be awkward to go with them"

"Is my daughter finally socializing on her own? How are you all grown up now? When you were young you couldn't talk to anyone without Seokyung or Seokhoon by your side"

Her mom continued talking about past times while Mirae listened. She really leaned on the twins a lot she thought while smiling as her mother recalled stories of elementary school. After finishing breakfast, Mirae bid her mother good bye, who was going to leave a little later because the twins mother was supposed to meet her before work. Mirae found this a little weird but brushed it off because those two best friends were meeting up at weird times these days.

Mirae was heading outside when she came across the Joo siblings coming to pick her up per routine. Shoot what would she say to them? Oh I'm going to pick up the girl you bullied? No definitely not. Instead Mirae put on a smile and went closer to them.

"Wahh you're already out before us today? That's new for you Kim Mirae"

Seokyung said smiling at her.

"I have something to do today before I go to school. That's why I can't join you guys today"

Mirae said keeping the smile on her face so that the twins don't suspect her.

"We'll take you there, wouldn't we oppa?"

Seokyung said to Mirae before turning to Seokhoon, who nodded. His eyes were on Mirae, which gave Mirae the impression that he was performing x-ray vision on her. As if he was trying to find out all her deep secrets hidden within her.

"No, I need to go there alone, you see it's something my mom told me to do"

Mirae said coming up with the lamest excuse possible.

"I'll see you both at school then"

Mirae quickly said before they could ask more questions and then quickly ran away from Seokhoons eyes and Seokyungs judging look. Once Mirae reached outside she let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding in. Before she could come across the Joo siblings again, Mirae ran to the nearest bus stop and started her journey to Bosuk Village, the area where Min Seol Ah resided.

Mirae had already asked the girl her address before but hadn't told her she'd be coming to pick her up. Excitedly she ran upstairs to Min Seol Ah's house and rang the doorbell.

"Mirae ah what are you doing here?"

The girl asked Mirae in an extremely surprised tone.

"Let's go to school together"

Mirae said with a smile on her face.

"Oh come in we'll leave in a bit"

Min Seol Ah said giving Mirae space to enter. As Mirae entered a little dog came closer to her and started pawing her legs.

"Aww is this Sugar?"

Mirae asked kneeling down to pat the little thing. Seol Ah nodded before going to pick up her bag and wear her jacket.

"Let's go"

Seol ah said and after Mirae said goodbye to the little dog they both headed together to the bus stop talking about different stuff. Once they both entered the bus, they quickly ran towards the only two seats that were left. Giggling, they both sat down. Mirae sighed with relief.

"I didn't get to sit on my way here. It was hell with all the pushing and stuff"

Mirae shuddered

"You rich people don't know how hard life is for us commoners"

Seol Ah jokingly said to which Mirae playfully nudged her with her shoulder. After a few seconds of silence, Seol Ah started speaking

"Mirae, I know you're probably really angry at your friends but I feel like you shouldn't change your behavior towards them because of me"

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning don't ignore them, be normal with them"

"It's not that easy Seol Ah"

"You know someone once told me evil is always punished"


"Meaning they'll face the consequences of doing wrong eventually, that's why I'm saying you shouldn't just you know what I'm trying to say"

Seol Ah looked at Mirae. Min Seol Ah had been really worried she had ruined Mirae's perfect life just because she came in it. That's why she didn't want Mirae to be any different just because of her. Seol Ah knew how much the Joo twins and the rest of her friends meant to Mirae and she didn't feel like it was fair that she was the reason something Mirae loved so much leaves her.

"Hmm I'll think about it"

Mirae said looking out of the window. Was it really okay for her to forgive them this easily?

"It's ok. Trust me it is"

Seol Ah said as if she could read Mirae's thoughts. Mirae smiled at her wondering how Seol Ah was still smiling and living life happily after everything.

"Just promise me that we'll be friends"

"That's an easy promise"

Mirae said as they both smiled at each other.

"Can I ask you something I'm really curious about?"


"Is there something going on between you and Seokhoon I mean-"

"Yah Min Seol ah there's nothing going on between us we're just friends, really close friends"

"Are you sure he sees you as just a friend?"

"Of course he does what else would he see me as?"

Mirae asked Seol Ah ignoring the warmth on her face.

"Ohh Kim Mirae, are you blushing?"

"No I'm not its just hot in here"

"Ahh you're definitely blushing"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

The two of them bickered and laughed all the way till their destination. Mirae was glad that she didn't make the wrong decision of not befriending her. She was glad she could accompany Seol Ah and be there for her when she had no one.

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