1 | Malfoys in the Ministry

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1 | Malfoys in the Ministry

It has been three years since Voldemort died in the hands of Harry Potter, causing an aftermath that had exponentially shocked the young wizards and witches of Hogwarts, with hundreds of inevitable fatalities--ranging from beloved school professors and students to the merciless Death Eaters. It took Hogwarts a year to recover from the frightening battle, before they once again opened the castle doors to the wizards and witches who were seeking for shelter and for education.

The Battle miraculously wiped away all of the existing Death Eaters, who, up until Voldemort's demise, remained faithful to him; faithful in such a way that they confidently marched into the doors of the castle to do their deeds, all the while doing it for the sake of their Dark Lord. Most of the Death Eaters still fought in the name of pure obedience, and a few fought to the death in the name of fear. Either way, they still didn't dare to disobey the Dark Lord. They still remained loyal.

Well, technically not all Death Eaters remained faithful to him.

It was an unspoken thought, a fact that was never acknowledged, a breath of words left into the air. Everybody knew that they had fled. Everybody had been scouring every nook and cranny of the Wizarding World for a sign of them.

The Malfoys fled for their lives.

And now, it had been three years since anyone had last seen them. The Aurors of the Ministry scoured every corner of this world to find them. They've set up anti-apparition and monitoring wards in every place wherein Death Eater activity had been seen in the previous years. They'd asked every possible person that had some connection at least to them--witnesses, victims. Merlin, they'd even asked in the Muggle World.

It was a preposterous action, Hermione knew that. The Malfoys would never dare to step foot on Muggle ground, because she knew that that would go against their pureblood principles. Still, she knew that the Aurors wouldn't take any chances. They knew how capable the Malfoys were into getting what they want, Lucius being the one who started it all for the three of them; and the Ministry still wanted to search in the Muggle World, just in case Lucius had thought of a strategic hiding tactic in his mind, finally deciding to take the unexpected decision.

They seemed to have no luck in finding them for three years, until eleven hours ago, Hermione, having to be part of the Magical Law Enforcement, received an anonymous letter about the Malfoys being spotted in Godric's Hollow. She didn't thought about it being a hoax, and even if it were, she still would inform Harry and Ron, now newly deemed as Aurors, and join them in the search. After all, she had been quite involved with the Malfoy case, having to be the one to set up the wards and the charms around places that needed to be monitored all of the time.

And they found them, indeed.

And now, eleven hours later, at twenty-one years old, Hermione sat in the far corner of the interrogation room, observing the many familiar and unfamiliar faces that held the same kind of impassive expression. She fiddled in her seat next to Ron, who was clad in his complete Auror outfit, his coat a dull burgundy that somehow made his hair redder than ever. They hadn't really talked much in the past seven months, since Harry and Ron were up to the final months of their training program, their schedules more hectic than the past two years.

The two boys knew that the auror program would take three years, and in those years, Hermione found herself returning to Hogwarts to finish up her final year, taking her N.E.W.T's and joining the MLE, or the Magical Law Enforcement, a profession that she had always fancied. The three of them had different jobs, and now, they hadn't really bonded like the old times, except for when they had cases to work on and when they had spare time, which is to say, not much.

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