Or so Ari had hoped.

She walked, humming to one of her favorite songs, and probed the halls, the oh-so-happy halls filled with couples making out, even though it looked like they met for the first time. Maybe love at first sight was real.

Ari excused herself from the dancing couples and made her way through the crowd, to the back of the room. The archway, that led one inside the multi-purpose rooms, was now shadowed by the neon lights dancing on it, which made it look like an entrance to an amusement park.

As she strolled inside, she saw partyers mostly hunched down in tasks like drinking, playing cards, or just sitting around the round table (with, of course, women crammed up on men) and simply chatting about life.

With the excitement of being alone and having the night all to herself, she devised to fill her stomach, now that she had seen the numerous rooms and lively halls. She examined the rooms and searched where the smell of food was coming from. Her eyes traveled back and forth until they landed on a room that had minimal activity, yellow string lights lighting it up.

With an attempt to devour whatever was available, she hoped the room had food. As she neared the room, she realized the room was empty, except for two people hunched in a corner.

And who could it be?

The least expected, Sim Jake making out with a girl.

Her feet stood grounded to the floor as she witnessed the girl snaking him in her arms, and sucking his lips like a vacuum cleaner. What left Ari even more heartbroken, was the scene of Jake responding to the girl's attempt to seduce him; he traveled his hands on her back and into her hair, pulling her on top of him.

"Thank you for being my first kiss" the words echoed inside Ari's head.

"I promise to be your last"

He probably told the exact words to the girl on top of him, who was now letting out small moans as he pulled up her top and let his hands inside.

Ari tried to push down the prominent lump in her throat but with fewer effects. She clutched her mouth with her hands in order to not make any consequential noises, right when a small strangled voice escaped her throat.

The couple, making out precedently, pulled apart instantly and turned their heads towards the origin of the sound. Sim Jake looked horrified, while the girl looked annoyed at the interruption.

"Ari-," Jake started. She remained still, not knowing how to respond to it. "Hi, I didn't expect you to be here"

"Neither did I," Ari managed, with a lot of effort to not break down in front of her ex.

She lost her appetite, even after seeing one of her favorite foods lined up on the shelves with elegance. All she wanted to do now was go home and break something while crying her eyes out.

The blasting music gave her already-throbbing head a headache. She turned around her heels and walked to the exit of the room.

"Ari, it's not what you think!" she could hear Jake, amidst the loud music, calling after her.

She did not stop or turn around. She forced her legs to take her away, far away from this place. Anywhere would be fine, even a dumpster. Anywhere but this building.

Her cheeks felt damp with tears, and she hated herself for crying, especially in a social place like this.

She hated herself.

She hated Jake.

She hated that girl on top of him.

She hated the fact that she was still bawling her eyes over him while he was out there, making out with other women.

Ari pulled out her phone as she found the exit. She left a quick text in the group chat, so they didn't have to worry about her.


i'm leaving

don't worry about me

have fun :)))


what?! why are you leaving??

everything okay??


no i don't think i'm okay i bumped into jake making out with someone

Failed to send.

yeahh i'm good. just tired.





omg that could be the reason too

@ari did you? are you okay?


@ari reply

are you okay??????

someone look for her


on it



Ari fastened her pace after reading the texts. She didn't want any of her friends to worry about her and leave their dates.

She hailed a taxi and told the driver to speed up.



Ari sighed as she pushed her phone into the confines of her pocket. A talk with one of her friends would be great right now, but she would be ruining their nights.

Besides, she wanted to be alone while she cried.

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