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A Week Later ~

THE SONG, Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant is currently playing on the radio that sat on the side of my sink while I showered. The song was alright - tolerable than most songs I've heard.

Finishing up my shower, I got out. My day was going smoothly and pleasantly without interruptions, allowing me to appreciate every moment. Moments like these were rare for me once upon a time.

As soon as I got to my room, I quickly changed into something more comfortable and warm. It's been 18 years since I've felt this kind of cold, so I wanted to make sure I was cozy and decided on a white t-shirt paired with a black jean jacket and black jeans.

Todays the day I convince Remedy to take my offer. I have to look fly. What can I say? It's an important day. I want to look the part, which is irresistible to the point she has to take my proposal.

Walking into my living room, I unplugged my phone from the charger connected to the wall and scrolled through Twitter, sitting on the couch and laughing at the ridiculous things famous people say as I put my combat boots on. They all tweet about the suffering of the world yet sit on their asses with a buttload of cash in their pockets. Yeah, what heroes they are.

The internet is fun, and social media is okay. It makes me laugh, and it's fun to post, but I can only be on it for up to 20 minutes. Any longer, and I will lose my patience with it. I'm more of a face to face kinda guy - that's what 18 years of solitude does to a person. The internet feels lonely and reminds me of the prison world, watching people live their lives over a screen. I'm pretty sure I've done that enough already.

Shutting my phone, I shoved it into my fairly tight jeans. I still don't understand why tight jeans are trendy. It just feels all wrong - everything is squished together. In the '90s, large pants that sagged to your hips were the shit. I personally wasn't a fan of those but baggy cargo pants is what I was known for.

I got up and headed to the kitchen to make myself an easy yet nutritional breakfast. Searching for some veggies in my fridge, I pulled out some leftover tomatoes and green peppers from last night's dinner, which is all I had to work with, plus the egg.

After dicing the veggies, I heat a pan with olive oil and throw the veggies inside. Firing them to a golden color before cracking the egg into a bowl and whisking it up before throwing it in and watching it cook.

Flipping it to the other side, I waited about 10 seconds until I decided it was ready and grabbed a plate placing the omelet on it. I pour myself some orange juice and sit at my dining table, devouring the breakfast in utter silence.

I chugged my orange juice and wiped my lips, looking down at my empty plate and all around me. The stillnesses in the room made me feel anxious as the memories of the prison world came flooding in. As much as I tried to forget, I couldn't.

Bonded | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now