Zack let his hands rub Jess's back up and down. One hand moved up to lightly scratch his neck at his hairline. He let out a sigh.

After a moment, a perfect moment, Jess spoke tiredly. "You're not gonna totally regret your life decisions and start avoiding me after this are you?"

Zack felt his hands still for a minute. He cupped the back of Jess's neck and kissed the top of his head. "No, I'm not."


"Yeah. Really."

Jess seemed to relax then. They laid quietly for a while longer. Eventually Zack thought Jess was going back to sleep but he wasn't worried. He was comfortable enough to lay there rubbing the boy's back for a while.

"Are you alseep?" Jess didn't reply but rather responded by making a noise in his throat. It had Zack cracking a smile. "Did you mean it when you said you really liked me?"

"Of course I meant it, moron."

"So... does that mean you'll be my boyfriend?"

Jess's eyes widened and he whipped his head up to look at Zack. He had to scoot down a little and propped his head up on his arms over Isaac's chest so they could have this conversation face to face. "Are you being serious?"

"Of course I am." Zack's hands were on Jess's hips and his left one was drawing little circles through the material of Jess's shirt. It made it very hard to focus.

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" Jess asked, still looking a bit shocked.

"Yes." Isaac grinned. "I want you to be my boyfriend. If that's okay with you."

Jess felt a little smile of his own. "It's only okay with me if that means you're my boyfriend too."

"That's part of the deal, silly." Isaac chuckled lightly.

Jess smiled wide. His beautiful smile that Zack liked so much. "Then sure. I'll be your boyfriend."

They both sat with wide smiles at one another. Jess decided to raise himself up on his arms, planting them on either side of Zack's chest, and leaned forward. He connected their lips and Isaac immediately returned the kiss.

His hands were sill gripping Jess's hips as they kissed and when they pulled away they were still there. Jess rested his forehead on Zack's and they both smiled at one another.

"Do you want to do anything before you have to go home?" Isaac asked and Jess shook his head.

"I just wanna stay here, with you."

Isaac smiled and wrapped his arms around Jess's waist to pull him down. Their torsos pressed against one another and Jess's hands went up to cup Isaac's face while they kissed.

When they pulled away this time Jess moved so he was laying down again. His head rested on top of Zack's chest and Zack's arms were still wrapped around his waist.

The didn't leave Isaac's bed the whole time. They'd move on occasion to kiss or change positions but they stayed right there. When the alarm went off Isaac was laying his head on Jess's shoulder blade as the boy was laying face down next to him. They both groaned at the beeping noise.

"Do you have to leave?" Isaac asked after turning off the alarm. Jess smiled while sitting up.

"Yeah. My mom went out last night so she might be sleeping all day. That means I'll have to take care of Daisy."

Isaac sighed but nodded, he really wanted to spend more time with Jess but he wouldn't take away his time with his sister. "Okay, I'll take you home."

They got out of bed and Zack lead the way out of the house, stopping briefly to grab his phone off the coffee table. When they got in the car, after starting it, Isaac reached over to hold Jess's hand. He intertwined their fingers and then pulled his hand up to kiss the back of Jess's. He noticed the way the end of the other boy's ears turned pink and grinned.

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