Troll? [Edited]

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Teddy's P.O.V:
I woke up early next morning and went to the washroom. After I got dressed , I put tremendous effort in combing my untamed pink hair. I still couldn't control my powers. Today my hair decided to look pink. I've taken after my mom as you can so obviously tell. 

I sighed and was about to head down the stairs when I heard James mumble in his sleep and as usual, I couldn't help but get curious. So I walked over and heard him say this, 

"Bianacaa, no! Don't do that Malfoy! I'm not gonna spare that rat!UGH!! " and then a tear trickled down his cheek. I knew he was having a nightmare and I knew that I should wake him up instantly or it'll get worse. 

So I looked at him and shook him vigorously and after a few seconds he gently opened his eyes. I was so relieved that I hugged me tightly and didn't let go till he spoke through his short breaths

" can't-breathe.." 

"Oh ...sorry" I said. "Go get dressed..."and with that I turned back to the stairs .

"Teddy, could I ask you something?" 

"Of course, " I said with a smile stretched across my face.

"I ...I sorta like her and I'm worried for her."

I frowned, " What's the matter? Something you wanna tell me , about the dreams perhaps?" 

He looked agitated and nervous, 

" I got a vision sort of, she was trapped, Malfoy was there and he was taking revenge because she didn't like him despite him having a crush on her." 

he paused, " Malfoy was continuously hit her with a stick or sent spells at her. She was bruised and looked hurt. Malfoy mauled and took no pity. I swear I'm gonna kill that little jerk when I get my hands on him." 

It was adorable how he got all angry and flustered up. I hid the little giggle that was about to escape. I knew I shouldn't push him further but I needed full information before I took any action so before I asked. 

James spoke again, " Then I saw something strange, a guy, he was bald and looked pale. He was attenuated and had an evil grin plastered across his ugly face, but there was something wrong , he didn't have a nose. After that I woke up."

I was shocked and mumbled to myself so softly that James could barely hear me. 

" He can't be back, not so soon.Oh no!Must tell Uncle harry " 

James inquisitively looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I just shrugged and told him to be positive and not worry about it. I headed out and was greeted by the most beautiful and glamorous girl in the entire school. Yes that's right, I was describing my girlfriend: Victoire Weasley.

My heart fluttered as she came up and did a little tap dance. We had been dating for 2 years now. She put her arm around mine and we strolled out of the Gryffindor tower. We didn't have any classes today as it was a weekend and I was taking Victoire out on a date!

James' P.O.V: 

Teddy looked scared and shocked like the dream meant something, I just shrugged it off and tried to forget about the nose less guy . I got changed and went downstairs and suddenly I fell over, my face was covered by luscious black locks all over it and I quickly realized that I got knocked into a girl, but who was she?

She backed off a little and said , " Sorry"  

While picking up her books. " I should look where I was going next time." 

"It's ok , Bianca, but why were you heading for our dormitory?"

"I wasn't, this stupid oaf Fred put a spell on me and made me bang into you.  All because I pranked him last week by pouring treacle tart mix all over him and his date when I caught them snogging and then I hid myself under the invisibility hat an-" 

Bianca Zoe JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now