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Jin: I'm back from rockin' out with my cock out! Get this shit, some dude just came up to me and thrust his package in my face!

Me: Waaa?

Jin: Yeah I almost puked on him because it looked like a bunch of sweet treats, but I took it just in case it was full of some sweet meats, if you know what I'm sayin'.

Me: *Opens packages to find various Asian Sweets* (°_°)

Jin: Ugh, I knew it! It's sweet shit! Sorry, those pedophile moves don't work on me anymore! Kuko, how do you do it? I can actually feel my ass dimpling!

Me: *Still staring in awe*

Jin: Uh, chica? Did you hear me?

Me: *Snaps out of daze* Uh yeah what was it?

Jin:......Never can have em

Me: Yay! *Begins to eat*

Jin: Careful geez it's not the end of the world

*Next day*

*I get out the shower and see the scale nearby*

Me: I guess it wouldn't hurt *Gets on scale* To see......*Reads the numbers* WHAT THE HELL 56.69 Kilo!

Jin: Kuko I went out and got more sweet shit

Me: *Sitting quietly*

Jin: What the fuck's the fondant anyway? It looks like plastic! And who the hell turned Tofu into a pudding? Flan is just basically pudding right?


Jin: Kuko

Me: Yes Jin?

Jin: Are you on a diet? You can tell me!

Me: *Falls off couch* N-no wh-what m-m-makes you say that?

Jin: *Squeezes belly fat* Fatty! Fatass! One more hit! Fatty! Fattyfattyfattyfattyfatty-

Me: *Punches him in the face* Whatever the fat'll go to my chest and ass anyway

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