1. 𝘼𝙧𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡.

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(This will be written in Tom's point of view, this is also based on 2008 Tom.)

Summary: Tom comes home to his girlfriend after a long day of non-stop rehearsing and arguments, only to take out his frustrations on her.

It was around 10:30pm when I walked through mine and Y/n's apartment door, I closed it behind me and sighed, making my way to the kitchen and setting my bag down. Rehearsals always drag on, obviously they're fun but they do exhaust me.
I rubbed my hands over my face before opening the cupboard and grabbing a glass, pouring myself a glass of water. I managed to take one sip before I heard shuffling coming from the bedroom, meaning Y/n was coming out.

'Jesus Christ, do I not get just a few seconds to relax every now and then?'

I thought to myself. I knew it was terrible of me to even think that, but at the time I was tired and had no more stamina left in me to reciprocate Y/n's affections. I looked through the corner of my eye as she walked out of the room with a small smile on her face.

"Hey, Tom. How was rehearsal?" She asked with the gentle voice she always had, leaning on the counter. I shrugged, taking one more gulp of my water before setting it down in the sink. "Fine. Same as yesterday, I guess." I mumbled, taking my bandana off and setting it to the side. I could see Y/n's shoulders slump just slightly when she heard my deadpanned reply, but she still gave me a smile. "Okay, well, you hungry? I could make you something quick if you want?" She suggested, then leaning on her elbows. For whatever reason, I felt the frustration begin to settle back into the pit of my stomach.

"No, thanks. I already ate out with the band." I grumbled, just wanting the conversation to end so I could just go to bed. However, I didn't eat out with the band. In fact, I hadn't managed to eat anything at all that day. Stupidly, I still refused her food. My stomach was rumbling, but thankfully not loud enough for her to hear.

Still, Y/n could tell. She could always tell. She can read me like an open book. Y/n sighed, standing up straight and walking over to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I desperately wanted to move away from her touch, but I knew it would only hurt her. "Tom, I know you're tired but you aren't going to feel any better unless you eat something sustainable. Please, I could just cook you something quick. Noodles? Hotdogs? You pick." She said, looking up at me. At that moment, I couldn't give less of a shit about eating. It had been a long day, walking around everywhere, rehearsing, doing photoshoots and interviews, all I wanted to do is sleep.

"Y/n, really. I'm fine, I'm tired. I just want to go to bed." I sighed, the frustration beginning to bubble in my stomach.
Clearly, Y/n wasn't happy with my response and gave me a stern look. "You really aren't caring for yourself, Tom. I know you've been so busy all day, which is exactly why you need to eat something. It'll make you ill if you don't. You can go to sleep straight after, but please just eat something. Even if it's a sandwich, I just want you to-" Y/n began to speak, but the frustration had built up for so long that I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't say what was on my mind.

Stupid mistake.

"Y/n! How many times do I have to repeat myself? I'm not hungry! Can't you just take a hint for once? Ich habe Tag und Nacht gearbeitet, ich will mich nur entspannen. Aber nein, das kannst du mich nicht machen lassen. Du kannst manchmal so eine nervige Schlampe sein, gib mir niemals einen Moment für mich!"

(Translation: I've been working day and night, I just want to relax. But no, you can't let me do that. You can be such an annoying bitch sometimes, never give me a moment to myself!)

I yelled, switching to German halfway through my rant. Y/n hated when I used German in arguments because I knew she couldn't understand it, which is exactly why I did it. Y/n sighed, beginning to become annoyed herself. "Tom don't switch languages halfway through our conversation. If you have something you want to say to me, you can say it now." She replied, a stern tone taking over her normally gentle voice.

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