"Said piece of damned cutlery nicked his hand and Severus had to muffle a string of curses whether in relation to what he had seen or the knife he didn't know.

    Because Eliza Potter, twelve years old Eliza Potter, half blood, blood-traitor, girl-who-lived Eliza Potter had just become the Queen of Slytherin." All the Slytherin's jaws dropped and so did whatever was in their hand. Despite Lucius being under the impression that his son was to gain the title, it seems the blood-traitor that had his lord wrapped around her finger gained the title first. Many looked surprised at their actions, as the Slytherins were usually proper with emotionless masks set in place. The current King was sputtering where he sat and looked like he was going to have a stroke.

    "She sat contentedly with her court around her, she studied the Slytherins with possessive eyes and satisfaction sat in her smile. In one night, one night, she had taken over Slytherin. Had dismantled a court of seventh years and taken claim over the entire house. A feat that had only ever been seen once prior 50 years ago. Potter looked absently over the staff table scrunching her nose in distaste when her gaze landed on Lockhart. Severus could relate to her hatred of the man but he wasn't going to let a perfect opportunity to find out what had happened last night slide.

    Catching Potter's eye he attempted to slip into her surface level thoughts only to have to stop himself from physically recoiling. For instead of the admittedly usually well-organised mind of Potter's he was met with darkness. There was a door behind him, a key in the lock, the door he had used to enter her mind. But before him lay darkness. Before him lay nothing. And it was hungry. He was suddenly overcome with the sense that if he stayed here for much longer the darkness would devour him and he would become nothing too.

    Severus had never exited a mind so quickly before. When he came back to himself he was clenching the table with white knuckles and Potter was staring at him from across the hall with an eyebrow raised and a mischievous smirk on her lips." Snape again was scolding himself for underestimating the girl. He clearly had seen what she was capable of and to not adjust to that factor was just plain stupid. Dumbledore's face looked as pale as the ghosts that roamed the halls. It was happening again and there was nothing he could do to stop it, for the second time.

    "He looked away quickly and glanced at the headmaster who was jovially talking to Minerva, blissful in his ignorance over what manner of creature Hogwarts housed in its walls.

    Severus returned to his scone." Theo snorted, and turned towards the passive Snape,

    "Sounds exactly like me when I'm ignoring Dumb and Dumber over there," Said Dumb and Dumber turned to glare at the chuckling boy and trained their glares on Snape when they heard him snort in reply.


    "After the fight her court had wasted no time in asking her why she had kept her parselmouth abilities a secret. And then they had to spend a further half hour explaining exactly what parselmouth abilities were and the history behind them. Then they had spent a further half hour plotting over how revealing these abilities, at least to the house, will have affected her standing as parselmouths were apparently revered by darker families. By the time Eliza finally got to sleep it was in the early hours of the morning and although a lacking sleep schedule wasn't anything new to her she still clung to her coffee at the Slytherin table like it was a lifeline in the morning."
Many of the Slytherins nodded along with the testament, and had looked at Eliza differently since her abilities had been revealed in the previous chapter.

    "Most of her peers didn't drink coffee which she honestly couldn't comprehend, how was pumpkin juice in any way or form better than a steaming cup of black coffee? She was greatly amused when Snape tried to sneak into her mind, probably trying to find out what happened to Blishwick. She was very thankful for Blaise's birthday gift, the look on Snape's face was priceless when he was faced with her occlumency barriers." The smile on Blaise's face was worth the sun and Eliza gave him a smile and his smile only got brighter. His face then turned to a smirk and he, to quickly for Eliza to dodge, flew at her with the intention of a hug. Grabbing her tightly, his smirk turned to a genuine smile as he hugged his sister in all but blood.

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