|Chapter 2|

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This work was beautifully done by Rose_by_another_name


Third P.O.V

    "Chapter 2,

    The 1st of September arrived faster than she had expected. She had spent the last month buried in a mountain of textbooks and she devoured them as if she were starved. Eliza craved knowledge about this new world, her world, and she refused to appear sub-par. She had to prove herself to them all and not only that she had to prove herself to be better. Every good leader needed followers and that was the only way she was going to topple Dumbledore's crown." People who had known Tom Riddle were a bit pale hearing this. A girl no older than twelve was sounding exactly like him and this frightened many. Lily and James who had gotten over their sting of their daughter's comments decide to still try and be her parents,

    "Eliza, you are supposed to have friends, not followers!" Eliza just sneered in her direction not give her the liberty of getting an answer from her,

    "She had read a lot more about the man over the past few weeks, his defeat of Grindelwald, his standing in the wizarding world. It seemed there wasn't one book on modern historic events that did not mention him and usually placed him in a golden light. But history was always written by the victors and Eliza refused to let herself be swayed by biased views and so she wandered back into the alley to try and find some 'alternative' reading material. She had resolved she would keep her mind open towards any and all magic she read about." Many of the traditionalists looked surprised to hear that from a Potter of all people. They tended to steer far away from traditional magic despite it being their history. People also looked surprised at her view of Dumbledore, but they guessed it must have been expected with the way her blood test went.

    "The weeks had disappeared quickly and so she had packed her trunk full of her new clothes and books and had placed a set of the uniform into her leather messenger bag. She would have to change into her uniform when she got there as there was no way she could be walking about muggle London in robes." People were surprised with what they considered to be her intelligence when really it was just common sense anybody with a brain would know that. Seeing the faces around the hall Eliza chose to speak,

    "It's not that astonishing to have common sense you know, of course you might not what with being a bunch of short witted cowards," Mumbling the last part under her breath. As the book continued some could be seen throwing her looks of what could be perceived as anything,

    "She packed her last item, her old battered diary she had stolen from Camden Market. It was less of a diary and more of a place she had catalogued her magic experiments when she was younger. It was a bit redundant now but Eliza couldn't help but feel sentimentally attached." Remembering Tom's attachment to his own journal, that he would forever deny being a diary she decided to poke fun at him a bit after all that is one thing she does spectacularly,

    "See Tom we can be diary buddies, with your fascination with your own," Her smile said it all to him. He couldn't help let out a chuckle,

    "Little Star, my journal is gone, remember?" It was a rhetorical question they both knew it, but she answered anyways,

    "Oh I know, but it doesn't mean you can't get a new one!" They laughed quietly for a minute with all the death eaters gawking in astonishment how had this girl gotten away with talking to their lord like that. Before they could even begin to question it the book continued,

    "And so with her heart light and a bounce in her step she had happily jumped into the taxi that would take her to Kings Cross station. To the start of her new life.

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