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This work was beautifully done by Rose_by_another_name



Third P.O.V

    The book opened and everybody was ready for the reading to start again so when the book began to read everybody listened with intense focus,

    "Eliza didn't know whether to be flattered or irritated by the whispers that followed her around Hogwarts. They whispered her name furtively, gossiped about her scar and her sorting as she walked past them in the halls. Some had awe in their voices, some were vicious, talking in hushed voices about how she was turning traitor. Eliza couldn't help but scoff when she heard those. If only they all knew about the betrayal she had suffered, then they would know the real meaning of treacherous." people were curious what betrayals had she suffered. She lived in an orphanage so what? But Eliza and Tom knew what she had meant by that, they idolized her and kept her image up for something she can't remember doing and then they turned their backs on her the first chance they got.

    "But she let those whispers wash over her as she instead took to exploring the castle in her free time. Hogwarts was full of trick doors and vanishing steps, twisting halls and hidden passageways and Eliza wasted no time in learning her surroundings. She woke up two hours before breakfast every day to explore the ancient castle. The bonus of her obsessive behavior was that she was usually one of the first to class, giving her ample time to create a good first impression on her new professors.

    On Wednesday nights they had astronomy. Eliza already had a passing knowledge of the night sky, muggle science seemingly far more advanced in comparison to the wizards. Three times a week Eliza had to suffer through Herbology, she wasn't a fan of the subject. It reminded her too much of being forced to tend to Aunt Petunias' garden when she was still at Privet Drive. History of magic was tragically boring and Eliza found herself once again questioning Dumbledore's decisions when she was forced to sit through an hour of Binns' ghostly teachings. Defense would have been interesting if they actually had a competent teacher, instead Eliza had to suffer through an hour of a stuttering fool lecturing her and have her nose assaulted with the scent of garlic that was so strong it caused a curious pounding in her head.

    Charms was interesting and Eliza quickly established a good rapport with the small charms professor who was impressed by her reading on the subject. The theory for charms and transfiguration had thrown Eliza for a few weeks in her initial studying, so unlike muggle science it had made her head hurt just thinking about it. But after weeks of reading and re-reading the source material she was confident in her grasp on the subject. It appeared most magic, much like her wandless magic, was focused on intent. Intent, determination and visualization all of which Eliza had been doing for years." People were surprised with her comment about wandless magic at eleven the purebloods thought she had stolen some of their magic and used it to harness stronger magic capabilities when really it came down to the fact that inbreeding causes defects on species including wizards.

    "She had been hoping for a chance to discuss things with Professor McGonagall but the elderly witch hadn't been there when Eliza had arrived. It was to her great surprise when the tabby cat on the desk suddenly turned into their professor. The second she saw it Eliza pledged that she would learn to do that one day." James Potter looked excited at sharing something in common with his daughter,

    "What are you a doe or a stag?" he asked bouncing up and down like an excited child, Eliza sighed and weakly faked a smile,

    "I'm a fox," And didn't that surprise them. Prongs' daughter not a deer at all.

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