"What do you mean chasing me?"

"Do you really think she would drop the subject and move on? That girl," Bryce said pointing to the woman across from them with his chin, "have her way to protect you."

Lana frowned, some people might find it endearing to have someone pinning over you, but Lana hates it. She has to get the form for restraining order filled for some people on her life.

"Do i need fill another restraining order?" The writer huffed, Bryce choked on his wine and barked out a laugh, he patted his chest to get the air out his lungs.

Lana put the finished cup on her feet after gulping the warm broth of her noodles, she took the wine glass and nudge Bryce leg, "get that wine over here," Bryce hand her the wine.

Lana fill her glass to the half of her glass, she look up when she could the stare from across of her, she lift one of her eyebrow at the blonde. Taylor blushing and tore her gaze away.

It could be the flame mirrored on her skin, or the blonde really blushing at her.

Lana bring her wine to her lips, taking plainfully slow pace drinking her wine. Lana rest her body to the chair, slumped on the metal chair as the people around her talking.

She close her eyes and feeling the breeze sweep her hair out her face, she knew it was late when her brother ask her if she wants to get inside. Lana just shake her head. She was used to stay out late with blanket thrown over her body.

This time Aaron the one placed the blanket on her, instead of herself. She could hear the crickets singing as the background music, "you don't need to staring at me. I'm fine out here." Lana said without opening her eyes, Taylor bring the glass of the second glass of wine she has been nursing after went back out earlier to her lips.

"Go out with me." Lana scoffed at the question, the blonde really disregard her words and talking about her instead.

Lana lift her head to look over the blonde lazily, "you know, you'll feed the Gaylor and Kaylor rumors if you go out with me." Taylor did not back down from Lana's cold stare

The blonde shrugged, "it's not not true."

"Let me think about it. Now stop staring." Taylor grinned at the woman but seconds later cleared her throat and sit up straighter like an royal ladies.

"Okay." She said matching the tone Lana used, "can i sit beside you though?" Lana internally rolled her eyes at the persistent blonde.

"No fucking staring." Lana said, she rest her head on the back of the chair and close her eyes, she could hear Taylor's heavy footsteps walk beside her, occupied Bryce's seat from earlier.

Taylor lift her leg up to rest on the armrest of the chair, and put her elbow on her knees, staring at the brunette. Lana really want to strangle the singer. She could feel mint mixed with aged grapes fanning over her face.

The smell really intoxicated Lana, she trying to hold the thoughts down before she really strangle the blonde with the guest room's bed sheets.

"I have another album lined up. Should be released on the end of this year. Is it okay if i put out the song i write about you?" Lana snap her eyes open at the singer, they haven't got out on a dates and the singer already write a song about her?

"Are you joking?" Disbelief at the blonde, Lana couldn't even write down the last chapter of her book, and Taylor already few albums since the pandemic hit.

"I really talking using my pen. I don't know how to tell you things, but i write about it." The blonde shrugged, Lana understood the meaning. She was also the same about unspoken feelings.

The Alcott - TAYLOR SWIFT - MINI SERIES BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now