chapter twelve.

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Pit pat. Pit pat.

That was all you could hear other than the TV. 

Everyone had run out of things to say or do.

Landfall had yet to occur, and the storm was slowly beginning to come over the islands.

"For those now tuning in, here's some information about Hurricane Ophelia," the meteorologist with heart glasses spoke, "Hurricane Ophelia is a Category 2, with windspeeds between 96-110 miles per hour. For those visiting us from anywhere else, that equates to 154-177 kilometers per hour."

Calico sighed as she laid on her back, Nittany laying across her torso, "Schlatt, what should I name this Swinub?"

"Name it Baconator."


You chuckled as you listened to their exchange, refocusing on the news.

"The wind speeds will produce extensive damage, mostly contained to trees, rooves, and sidings. We will be expecting the loss of power, so please be sure to have a battery powered weather radio. The good news, though, is that we will not be losing out on water."

Once she finished speaking, the news went to commercial break, and you returned to focusing on Calico's current Nuzlocke of Pokémon Platinum. That was an excellent way to pass the time, you thought, letting yourself become absorbed within your own thoughts. 

"Earth to Y/N, Earth to Y/N," Charlie grinned, sitting beside you, "what are you deep in thought about?"

"Oh, sorry," you sighed as you leaned your head on his shoulder, "I spaced out. I dunno, I guess I'm just worried about the storm. Why aren't you using this for content?"

"Well, it's weird to make content out of a life changing event," he rose a brow innocently, "but I did get some prep footage. If that's okay with you."

"I don't care, you do whatever you gotta do," you answered, "that's your job after all."

He smiled, putting an arm around you and leaning his head back against the cushions. He was much happier here, in a comfortable house, than he would be inside some random highschool gym on a cot. He knew that Schlatt and Ted shared the same sentiment.

"It's wild to know we only met last month or so," he said softly, "and here we all are now, riding out a hurricane. Crazy, isn't it?"

"It sure is," you answered, closing your eyes sleepily, "I'm going to nap."

Charlie fell quiet, letting you snuggle up. Calico noticed the two of you, and made her way over with a blanket, covering the both of you up. He silently mouthed a 'thank you,' which she returned with a nod. The news came back on, which had everyone perk up.

"Hurricane Ophelia's still enroute toward the islands," the typical meteorologist said, "as of right now, its windspeeds are clocked at 105 miles an hour, which translates to 168 kilometers an hour. Landfall is just an hour away, folks, so be prepared."

Schlatt let Nittany out for one more time, but the dog sniffed the air and just stared at him blankly. The two engaged in a staring contest, and the dog reluctantly went outside, glaring at him as he lifted his leg against the fence.

"Why is he so mad at me?" Schlatt asked with a small frown, "I'm doing the guy a favor."

"He isn't a big fan of the rain," Calico answered, glancing to the back door, "he's mad at you because you made him go outside in it."

"Wait, so when it's raining, he just won't go outside?" Schlatt sounded astounded at the idea, "he'll just refuse?"

"Yup, I have no clue where he learned that from. Dude's a priss."

You woke up about thirty minutes after their mini conversation, your stomach growling. Luckily, you still had power, so you groggily made one of the microwave dinners that you chose to stock up on. Sure, they were simply disgusting ninety percent of the time, but you didn't care right now. It was just a microwave pizza anyway.

"Good evening, Sleeping Beauty," Charlie said as he hugged you from behind, "just a pizza?"

"I'm having a Capri Sun too," you scolded softly, "what does it matter?"

"Have some vegetables too, can't have you being unhealthy-"

"Y/N, I think I know what you forgot!" Cal cut Charlie off quickly, flashing him an apologetic look, "did you get pictures of your outside for insurance?"

You paused as you thought for a moment, and looked outside. It was raining, yes, but it wasn't a painful hurricane downpour yet.

"Shit. I didn't. I will be right back then," you groaned, donning a raincoat and boots, dashing outside to get pictures of how things looked. How could you of been so stupid to forget?

While you were outside, Charlie got you some comfy pajamas and a towel, and finished getting your food together. He was going to insist you eat broccoli, even if you didn't even want to. Deep down, though, you knew you appreciated what he was doing. Nobody cared enough about you the way he did, he loved you. Plain and simple.

Once you got back, you noticed there was more food out than just the basic microwave pizza. Sure, your pizza still existed, but it was accompanied by pasta and vegetables as well. It was only fair. Everyone had to keep their strength up.

"Wow," you muttered as you hung up your raincoat by the front door, leaving the boots on a tray, "Charlie, did you do that for everyone?"

"Yep!" he chirped, eyes sparkling happily, "the broccoli is something I'm excited to try. It's roasted with lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, minced garlic, and a little bit of grated parmesan. Much better than just boiling it to mush."

You had to admit, that did sound appetizing. You glanced to the clock, sighing shakily. 10:15 PM, fifteen minutes remaining before the hell that was a hurricane landfall. You noticed it was coming closer while you were outside, getting pictures. 

"That's awesome, thank you," you said as you gave him a tight hug, "you're the best. Let me dry off and change, and I'll come eat."

Once dried off and changed, you joined everyone else, listening to the news as you all ate. You got downstairs just as landfall began, and a nervous silence enveloped the group as the wind began to howl. The house creaked uneasily, and you bit your cheek, listening to it. The house survived much harder hurricanes, but anything could happen.

"Listen to that howl," Ted breathed as he looked outside, "wow, bushes are flattened... That's insane."

"And to think we have two whole days of this," you sighed as you got more of the lemony broccoli, "can't wait. I'm already super bored, if something serious happens we'll get an EAS alert anyway, Cal can you put on a movie?"

Calico went through the channel listings, "there's the Lord of the Rings series, or The Godfather. Which lasts longer?"

"Godfather trilogy is about eight hours," you said, quickly doing the math, "and is the Lord of the Rings the theatre or extended cut?"


"Lord of the Rings is longer. There you go. I want some Aragorn in my life right now, anyway."

Calico snorted with laughter at Charlie's mock offended look, putting on the movie. Dinner was cleaned up, leftovers stowed away, and everyone bundled into the living room with snacks.

It was surprisingly comfortable for such a scary time.

Reverie - Slimecicle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now