chapter nine.

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To say the party went well was an understatement.

It went fantastically.

Sure you were up way too late and everyone was just collapsed in your living room, to the point your parents were concerned, but they left you all alone to your own devices. After all, all of you were functioning adults...

Even if the term "functioning" is quite loose.

Sighing to yourself as you cleaned up your kitchen, you kept a close eye on the group in the living room. Charlie and Ted were next to each-other, and Calico and Schlatt were also side by side. You couldn't help but tiredly smile at the sight, it was nice to have some more friends. Calico tended to be one of your only buds. Sure, you had co-worker friends, but they were only around peak-season. Nothing really buddy-buddy there.

The Sun was just beginning to peak through the windows, you noticed, and then exhaustion hit you like a massive truck. How long had you gone without sleep? You did the math in your head, and cringed internally at the realization that it had been a solid 24 hours of no sleep. You'll certainly be a joy today...

You were quick to start preparing the caffeinated beverage of your choice, wanting to get ahead of any fatigue or brain fog that could potentially snag you. While in the midst of your frenzy, Charlie sat at the kitchen island, looking bleary eyed.

"G'morning, Y/N," he said sleepily, which made you jump, "sorry- Didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, no, you're fine," you yawned while continuing to ferret about, "when I'm exhausted I'm more skittish. I didn't wake you, right?"

"No, you didn't, I just got uncomfortable sleeping next to a giant stick of a man."

The two of you shared a quiet laugh at the playful dig at Ted, looking at the group fondly.

"Want to take a walk?" You asked idly, "I'll have to change really fast, but we could take Nittany with us."

"Sure, take your time."

You were quick to dash to the second floor and change out of the prior day's outfit, changing into something a bit warmer. The weather was cool this morning, but being on the beach at Sunrise meant it'd be cooler, with the breeze and all that. You weren't a massive fan of the cold, which made living in the Outer Banks so much better.

Once the three of you left for the beach, Nittany immediately turned tail and tried pulling you back toward the house. He was not in the mood for a nice walk on the beach in the morning, he'd rather stay asleep on his bed. You silently did agree with him on that thought, but you were too awake now to think about sleep. You just let him go back home through the backyard's gate. 

"Has Nittany always been like that?" Charlie asked as you resumed the walk, "he's very expressive. Knows what he wants."

"Yes, he has always been like that," you answered bluntly, "he won't even go outside if there's a hint of petrichor in the air."

Charlie chuckled as you walked side-by-side, the sky slowly brightening into its signature blue. The yellows, pinks, and oranges were slowly melting away, which made you a little bit sad. You preferred the prettier colors to the bright obnoxious blue of the daytime sky.

"He's definitely Calico's best friend," you said, "I come in second if it boils down to me or him. It's only fair, after all, they've known each-other longer. She's lucky to still have him around, he's an old man."

Charlie nodded, "yeah. She's incredibly lucky. Childhood pets are the hardest things to lose."

"Yeah, I thought losing my goldfish as a kid was rough... I can't imagine the day when Nittany crosses the rainbow bridge."

A comfortable silence swept between you two as the walk continued, the ocean waves lapping at the sand greedily. It was a perfect sound, comforting and welcoming. Even if you said you hated being around the town, you knew in your heart of hearts that you were never going to leave.

"Can I ask you a question?" Charlie asked hesitantly, looking toward the ocean, "and it's fine if you say no or whatever."

"Uhh, shoot, what is it?"

"Well, did ya wanna have a coming of age movie type of fling? Like, Grease or something?"

Your face turned as pink as the horizon. It was evident you weren't expecting that question.

"Shoot- Y/N, will you be the Sandy to my Danny?"

"Charlie, that is corny as hell."

The two of you busted out laughing once you spoke, taking a couple moments to regain composures. Charlie knew you were right, what he said really WAS corny.

"But, yes, I'll be happy to be your Sandy," you grinned, giving him a tight hug, "even if you're not some super hot John Travolta type of guy."

Charlie rolled his eyes dramatically, returning the hug, "whatever will I do?"

"Take me to Dunkin?" You gave a cheeky grin, "that's something you could do!"

"Alright, if you insist," he sighed, picking you up on his back piggyback style, "should we get the others, or is this a breakfast date?"

"We can have a breakfast date, and bring back food," you pointed out as he began jogging toward the concrete sidewalks, "it's like... a five minute walk from my house."

Once the two of you returned with the donuts and coffee, the rest of the group was stirring. Calico was the first to sit up, only to dash upstairs to get changed. She kept some clothes and things here, since the two of you were around one-another fairly often. Schlatt looked confused when he fully woke up, having expected to see her still asleep by him.

"Where did you two get off to?" Ted asked, stifling a yawn as he rummaged around for his glasses.

"Dunkin," you answered simply, opening one of the two boxes of donuts that you'd picked up, "we have coffee too-"

"Caffeinate me, Y/N, I left my Adderall at home," Calico said as she came back downstairs, "does Nittany have food here, too?"

"Yep, it's in the fridge."

"Thanks, you're a life saver."

Ted and Schlatt sat at the kitchen island, quietly thanking you and helping themselves to the food. Charlie turned on the morning news for the weather, raising a brow as he watched.

"Tropical Storm Ophelia has become a Category Two hurricane seemingly overnight, though as of now, is expected to dissipate over Bermuda. The worst effects seem to be hard rain for a day, which is projected to be July sixth, though we will keep an eye on this storm. Please begin to prepare accordingly, and keep us on the air for any urgent updates."

The mention of a hurricane immediately snapped yours and Calico's attention away from everything else, making your blood turn to ice. That couldn't be good, you knew hurricanes could decimate this poor island without a second thought. If you lost your home and restaurant, you wouldn't have anything left.

"A hurricane already? Isn't it early?" Calico asked warily, shooting a text to her parents, "hopefully it stays south of us."

"It'd better! A Cat Two already? It's so early, it's only the first day of July," you answered nervously, "I'm far enough inland to not be too worried, but Cal, you're ocean-front. Charlie, are y'all ocean front as well?"

"We are," Ted answered, looking slightly nervous, "if things get worse, where do we go?"

"Obviously off the main island," Calico said, "but really, follow posted evacuation signs. Pack your stuff up now, I'd imagine we have a few days."

An unsettled silence settled amongst you all as the Local on the Eights theme played. It wasn't particularly comforting at that moment, you knew things were only going to get bad. Things came in threes, and you had your three good things. It was time for the three bad things to happen, even if you didn't want that.

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