Chapter 18

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A/n: In the last chapter Y/n had to watch as his brother was killed by the Ten Commandments. Actually nine but whos counting. We now go to the kingdom of Liones as its being attacked by the demons. Y/n has also been helping Ban and Jerico with their lighting abilities and how to control their darkness. Elizabeth would have helped Matrona and healed the two kids that was injured as well.

Y/n: *finishes killing a demon* Looks like there are still more to go.

Jerico: Well at least we more control now.

Ban: Well you're surprisingly a good teacher.

A/n: We would see some.demons approaching the trio with some people we would find familiar.

Y/n: Looks like two of the Commandments are here. You two take the foot demons. I will take the commandments.

Jerico: Ok babe.

Ban: Sure thing.

A/n: The three would split and they would begin killing the demons.

Y/n: Well if it isn't Zeldris and Fraudrin.

Zeldris: Brother Y/n. You have been summoned by the Demon King. He has plans in store for you despite being the traitor you are.

Y/n: Not gonna happen Little brother. You helped in killing Meliodas. So one of you will be dying today to compensate for that.

Zeldris: Stop holding grudges Y/n Meliodas will be back.

Y/n: *flairs his lightning* Your one to talk Zeldris! Youve held a grudge against me and Meliodas ever since we turned our back on the demon clan.

Fraudrin: How dare you talk to Lord Zeldris like that!!

Y/n: Shut it wanna be.

Fraudrin: How dare you talk back to me!!

Y/n: *quickly appears in front of Fraudrin* Do something about it.

Fraudrin: Fine! *punches Y/n*

Y/n: *unfazed* Thats all you got? Your not even worth being a replacement. *pierces Fraudrins chest* This is the true power of a former Ten Commandment. You have a long way to go you useless demon.

Fraudrin: How dare you talk to me like that!

Y/n: *bitch slaps Fraudrin to the floor* Now where were we Zeldris.

Zeldris: *hand on his sword* What do you want Y/n.

Y/n: I want Estarosa dead.

Zeldris: We both know that cant happen.

Y/n: *whispers* Who said I was the one who was gonna kill him.

Zeldris: Estarosa!! *flies off*

A/n: The scene would shift to the boar hat that is making its way towards Liones.

Elizabeth: *sitting next to Meliodas* Please wake up. Its not the same without you. Even your customers have been worried about you. Y/n has take your death rather badly as well.

A/n: Elizabeth would hear a ring of the bell from the door of the tavern.

Elizabeth: *walks down stairs* Hello.

Y/n: Hey Eli.

Elizabeth: Eli?

Y/n: Your nickname. Its Eli. Also how is Meliodas doing?

Elizabeth: Hes still. *starts crying*

Y/n: *hugs Elizabeth* Its ok. Can you bring me to him?

Elizabeth: *nods*

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