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Yuki sat with her head laid on a table out behind her family's noodle shop; her action figures sprawled out before her. Her icy gaze was fixed on her Tigress figure, while her own figure laid at its feet as if defeated in battle.

"Yuki? What is the matter?" Ping's voice sounded from behind her.

Yuki lifted her head and shot him a glance. "Oh. Nothing."

"Nothing?" Ping raised a brow and glanced at Yuki's figures. "Those say otherwise."

Yuki sighed, "Okay, yes, something's wrong."

Ping patted Yuki lovingly on the arm. "Tell me about it, my beautiful flower."

Yuki flattened her ears and gave Ping a sad look. "Shifu says I don't know what it means to be the Dragon Warrior. And now I have to be a teacher?" Yuki lowered her head. "The Five hate me now."

Ping cocked his head, "I doubt that, dear. What do you have to teach? Kung fu?"

Yuki gave a small nod.

Ping gasped and turned away in thought, "That's a promotion! Take the job, Yuki! And someday, when you're in charge of the whole Jade Palace, I can sell noodles in the lobby!" Ping paused and looked back at his daughter. "Why are you still sulking here like a baby? Get up!" He ushered her to her feet.

Yuki groaned and rose to her feet. "But Dad-"

"Franchise expansion awaits us!" He interrupted.

"But what about my dumpling eating record? I have to defend it!" Yuki lashed her tail in annoyance.

Ping scoffed, "Nobody is going to beat your dumpling eating record."

At that moment, a pig burst through the back door, eyes fixed on Yuki. "Somebody is about to beat your dumpling eating record!"

Both Yuki and Ping's eyes grew wide as they stared in shock at the pig.

Yuki bolted inside and out the front door into the plaza. "Who's eating my dumplings?"

Ping followed, "And who's paying for them?!"

Yuki's gaze landed on a male white tiger. He looked a little older than her with a scar on his cheek. His head fur was pulled back into a ponytail and he held a katana on his back. He was currently eating dumplings so fast that the crowd had trouble keeping up.

The tiger swallowed and licked his chops. "One hundred and three!" He rose and threw his paws into the air. The crowd went wild.

"Is that a new record?" His deep, blue eyes glanced around before landing on Yuki.

"Who are you?" Yuki asked, pointing at him.

"Me?" The tiger placed a hand on his chest. "I'm Kori."

Yuki's eyes grew wide and Ping gasped. "K-Kori? My..My..brother?"

The crowd gasped and looked between the two.

Kori's eyes widened as well. "Yuki?" He glanced at Ping. "It is you!" He shot forward and wrapped her in a tight embrace. Laughing as he spun her in a circle.

Yuki's eyes teared up. "I can't believe you're alive!" She wrapped her own arms around Kori's neck and nuzzled his cheek.

Kori set Yuki down. "Of course! I had to get back to you." He looked down at her and wiped a tear away.

Yuki smiled up at him, "Oh!" She gasped. "Come meet my father officially." She turned and led Kori over to Ping.

Kori smiled down at the goose before pulling him up into a tight hug. Ping let out a wheezing honk.

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