Training Fail

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Yuki and The Five raced into her family's noodle shop plaza, Tigress beating Yuki by a whisker.

"I call a tie!" Yuki huffed out.

Tigress scoffed, "I clearly beat you." She crossed her arms as they approached Ping to order.

Yuki rolled her eyes and playfully punched Tigress' shoulder. "Fiiiine." Her gaze met her father's. "We'll have two Justice Platters, please."

"Um..three." Monkey added.

"Three." Yuki confirmed.

"And a few tofu buns." Crane piped in.

Yuki glanced at Tigress. "Oh! And the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that?"

"She wants it on the side." Monkey answered.

Tigress closed her eyes, "On the side."

Yuki nodded at her father. "On the side."

A burp escaped Monkey's mouth, causing Yuki to laugh.

The group was headed back to the Jade Palace's training room.

"Your father sure knows how to cook a good meal." Monkey chuckled. "Not that you don't!" He quickly added.

Yuki gave Monkey a look before scoffing. "I cook way better than him." She crossed her arms.

"His spicy soup is better." Tigress commented.

Yuki's ears fell flat and she pouted at Tigress. "But Tigressss.."

Tigress glanced at the white tigress with a raised brow.

The rest of the Five laughed.

Yuki looked forward, and right as she was about to open the door, Shifu opened it.

"Oh! Master Shifu!" She gave a slight bow.

Shifu gave a small smirk. "Tigress is correct. You still have room for improvement."

"Ugh." Yuki slid past Shifu and walked inside. "So rude."

"Today will be my final class." Shifu followed her inside, followed by the Five.

Yuki turned and stared at him wide-eyed. "Your final- Are you sick?!"

Shifu trailed past the white tigress to stand in front of the group. "No, I am not sick." He turned. "My final class because, from now on, your training will be in the paws of the Dragon Warrior."

Yuki immediately stiffened. Frozen with shock. The Five's eyes grew wide and they turned their gazes to Yuki.

Yuki cleared her throat and put a paw to her chest. "Me? Teach?" She shook her head. "I mean, why not Tigress? She's more of a leader than I'll ever be."

Tigress raised a brow behind her.

"Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior. You are." Shifu poked Yuki with his staff.

Yuki pushed it away. "Come on, they're the Five. What could I teach them?"

Shifu scoffed and walked over to the Five. Yuki turned to watch him.

"There is always something more to learn, even for a master. For instance, let me show you another move. The dramatic exit." He pointed with his staff. "What's that?!"

As the group turned to look, Shifu scurried away. Yuki flicked an ear when she heard the door shut, and when she turned her head she'd noticed that Shifu left.

With a sigh, Yuki let her gaze slide to the Five. They quickly bowed to her.

"Master." They said in unison.

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