Off We Go

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Yuki and Kori were knee deep in snow, Ping trudged along behind them. The snow was nearly up to the goose's neck. Yuki and Kori were happily chatting away, completely unaware of the struggling bird.

Ping spat snow out of his mouth. "Um, Yuki, Kori? Perhaps one of you could, um, carry me?"

Kori turned with a grin. "No, problem!" He scooped the bird up into his arms.

Yuki laughed, "You could always ride on top of this bag you packed that "only contains the essentials"." She motioned to the bulky bag on her back.

Ping scoffed as he nuzzled into Kori's fur. "It has food, clothes, and those cute little action figures you like to play with."

Yuki immediately blushed and Kori shot her a smirk. "Dad! I don't play with those anymore!" She lashed her tail. "Did you at least wrap them in something to protect them?"

"Of course! Who do you think I am?"

"Speaking of food." Kori spoke up. "Can we stop for lunch? I'm starved!"

"Good idea." Yuki nodded before looking around. "There." She pointed towards a cave before setting the bag down. "I'll scope it out." Yuki dropped onto all fours and shot off towards the cave.

When Yuki neared the cave, she slowed down and swiveled her ears towards the cave to listen. They hadn't seen any bandits on their way up the mountain, but Yuki didn't want to take any chances. She slowly crept into the cave and raked her gaze across its entirety. It was small and thankfully empty.

Yuki rose and turned around. "It's safe! Come on in!" She called out to Kori and her father.

"Well it's about time. I'm freezing my beak off!" Ping stated rather loudly as Kori grabbed the bag and made his way to the cave.

"Yuki told you not to come." Kori chuckled.

Ping scoffed, "Someone has to make sure you two eat."

"What?!" Yuki exclaimed as Kori stopped in front of her. "I'm the Dragon Warrior and Kori is a samurai! We can feed ourselves."

Ping hopped down onto the ground and shook his little tail. "True. If you remember." Ping strutted further into the cave.

Yuki shrugged, "Fair." She took the bag from Kori and followed her father.

"It looks like folks use that cave frequently." Kori commented as he swept his tail towards an old fire pit.

Yuki hummed in agreement. "We won't stay long then." She set the bag down and Ping immediately began digging through it.

"Start a fire, Kori." Ping pulled a pot with a lid on it out of the bag.

"Yes, sir." Kori strolled over to the fire pit and got to work.

While they were setting up, Yuki made her way back to the entrance of the cave. "We still aren't sure where we're going.."

"I'm sure we'll find it." Kori glanced over his shoulder at her. "We've gotta be close."

"I sure hope so." She swept her icy gaze across the snow laden landscape.

The little group was huddled around the fire, the pot that contained soup was hanging above it. Ping hummed as he stirred the contents.

"Ooh, what is that smell?" A voice sounded from the entrance.

Both Kori and Yuki leapt to their paws, ready to fight. At the entrance, a female snow leopard bristled.

"Whoa, take it easy." She held up her paws in defense. "I mean no harm."

Kori shrugged and plopped back down while Yuki narrowed her eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Well.." The snow leopardess' gaze flicked down towards the soup. "I was just passing through when I smelled that, and I am really hungry.."

"Oh, come sit!" Ping piped up and patted the ground between him and Yuki.

Yuki hissed before sitting back down.

"Oh, thank you!" She hurried over and settled down between the two. "My name is Master Snow Leopard."

Yuki gasped and stared at her. "F-From the First Five?!"

Snow Leopard chuckled, "I see you've heard of me?" She took a bowl of soup from Ping when it was offered.

"Oh, yes! Huge fan!" Yuki's tail swayed happily.

"Yuki, here is yours." Ping held another bowl out which Yuki gratefully took.

Snow Leopard paused in her eating. "Yuki? The Dragon Warrior?" She eyed the white tigress curiously.

Yuki chuckled nervously, "That's me." She sipped her soup.

Snow Leopard bowed her head respectfully. "What a true honor this is."

Yuki waved a paw dismissively. "Oh, no need for that."

"Why, Yuki, you're so flustered." Kori chuckled. He took another bowl from Ping as it was offered.

"Ugh." Yuki shot him a glare. He just smirked in return.

Snow Leopard's gaze slid over to Kori and studied him curiously. "A samurai?"

Kori gave Snow Leopard a firm nod. "That I am. The name's Kori."

Snow Leopard nodded and focused back on her food. "Am I to assume you lot are going to visit Shiro Tora?"

Yuki glanced at her brother. He met her gaze before speaking up. "Yeah, but we don't really remember the way. We haven't been since we were cubs and Ping here has never been at all."

Yuki turned her gaze back to Snow Leopard who nodded in understanding. "I'm on my way there, actually. We can travel together." She looked around at the three. "If you want?"

"Oh, yes please!" Yuki said all too eagerly, earning a soft chuckle from Snow Leopard.

"Very well. I will take you there." Snow Leopard finished off her soup and licked her chops. "That was delicious!"

Ping chuckled, "Of course it was! But you should come to my noodle shop and try it fresh. It is way better."

"You know what's even better?" Yuki asked.

Both Snow Leopard and Ping turned their heads toward her.

"My soup!" She grinned.

Ping hummed before waving a wing at her. "No, you still have room for improvement. Mine is better."

Yuki huffed and finished off her bowl of soup while Snow Leopard and Kori laughed.

Yuki closed her eyes.

I'm so happy I got to meet Snow Leopard!

Her tail swayed happily behind her.

I just hope she can be trusted.

A/N: So Master Snow Leopard is from Legends of Awesomeness, and I've never actually seen it. Sooo, I apologize if I have her portrayed incorrectly! We will see the village next chapter.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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