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Yuki pounced down onto the wolf and shoved him into the ground with a snarl. The Five hurried up behind her, panting.

"Next time you mess with us, you need to bring a whole-" She was cut off by various growling sounds. Yuki's head snapped up to the palace gate. At least twenty wolves were glaring down at them, bows at the ready.

More wolves came up behind them and they were immediately surrounded. Yuki rose and backed into Tigress accidentally.

The wolf Yuki had pounced on rose to his feet. "I guess nobody told you, if you mess with the wolf, you get the fangs." He punched Yuki in the stomach, making her keel over in pain.

"I've hit you, what are you going to do now?"

Yuki flattened her ears and cast her eyes down. "We surrender."

The wolf leaned in close and put a hand to his ear. "What was that?"

Yuki snapped her teeth at him, making him jump back. "I said, we surrender." She glared.

The wolf laughed before he whistled. The gates opened and various gorillas came out with chains and cuffs.

Crane was the first to speak up once they'd been immobilized. "You can chain my body, but you'll never chain my-" a cuff was put around his neck. "Warrior spirit." He choked out.

Yuki glanced at Mantis who was on her shoulder. "Don't forget the little guy."

"Did you just call me-" Yuki grabbed Mantis and placed him into the offered cage.

Tigress' eyes widened. "Yuki, what are you doing?"

Yuki glanced back, "Trust me, I have a-ow!" She was cut off when shackles were placed tightly on her arms. She glanced down with narrowed eyes. "Are eight-point acupressure cuffs really necessary?"

The wolf that placed said cuffs just snarled and yanked her forward.

Yuki flicked an ear. Did Tigress just growl? She tried to glance back but a wolf shoved her forward.

Yuki glared ahead as they walked through the palace gates.

"I hope this plan turns out better than your last.." Tigress whispered.

Yuki bristled, "This plan is nothing like that plan."


"Because this one's going to work, obviously."

Yuki tripped slightly when she fell into a crevice. She followed the path she'd fallen into with her eyes and gasped when her gaze landed on Master Thundering Rhino's hammer. A ribbon tied around its shaft.

The lead wolf that Yuki had pounced on, walked up to the hammer and patted the shaft with a devious chuckle. "Keep moving." He turned and went up the steps.

Yuki shared a deadly look with Tigress before following the wolf inside the palace. Yuki looked up at the mountain of stairs before she sighed.

Here we go.

Yuki glanced around curiously once they made it to the top. She was exhausted from the climb, but she wasn't willing to show it. Her gaze landed on a white peacock.

"Greetings, white tigress. We meet at-"

"Oh, get on with it." Yuki interrupted with a huff of annoyance.

The peacock glared. An elderly goat made her way over to Yuki.

"You have grown quite well.." she used her cane to turn Yuki's head, examining her.

"Hey!" She backed away. "Please stand aside, ma'am. This kind peacock was trying to speak with me. Shen, right?" She glanced at the peacock.

"Yes! Bring the prisoners to me." Shen demanded.

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