Final Battle With Shen

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Yuki breached the surface of the water, coughing up water violently. She looked around with wild eyes. Searching.

She spotted Shifu clinging to a piece of wood. Croc, Ox, and Crane were huddled together on another piece of floating debris. Finally, her icy blue gaze landed on her.


Yuki swam her way over to the other tigress. It was a challenge in her current state, but she pushed through the pain.

"Tigress.." she placed a gentle paw on Tigress' arm. Tigress slowly lifted her head to look at her, breaths ragged with pain. Yuki slid her paw down into Tigress' and held onto it.

Tigress closed her eyes and laid her head back down. Too weak to move. Yuki frowned and slid her gaze to Shen's ship. Her sadness changing to anger as she glared at it.

Shen smirked down at Yuki from his perch on the ship. His smugness made it clear that he thought he'd won.

Yuki growled quietly and looked back at Tigress. With a small frown, she pushed her away towards the shore. Out of the way of the ships. The white tigress then turned and began swimming away from Shen's ship. She could hear him laugh behind her.

Yuki crawled her way up onto the underside of a capsized ship. She turned towards Shen's ship, head down, and closed her eyes. She began making her inner peace movements. Moving her arms and legs slowly. Her eyes then opened slowly and she focused on Shen's ship.

"Fire!" Shen commanded. A cannonball was launched at Yuki.

Yuki closed her eyes again.

Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace…peace…

Her eyes shot open fiercely just as the cannonball reached her. She caught it, whirled it around her body, and shot it away into the water.

Yuki smirked at Shen who scowled.

"Again!" He ordered.

Yuki flung the next cannonball away and dodged another.

"Kill her! Somebody kill her!" Shen shouted angrily.

Yuki successfully caught or dodged every single cannonball that was shot at her. Getting better at it each time. One of the ones she shot back crashed into a ship.

Shen looked completely dumbfounded. "What?"

A crowd cheered.

Yuki blasted another ship.

"No!" Shen shouted as he turned to glare at the tigress.

Yuki made a motion, saying she was coming for him.

Shen growled, "Keep firing! Keep firing!"

The next cannonball Yuki caught, she ended up throwing right back at Shen's ship. It blasted back into the cannon it had fired from.

Shen looked around in utter devastation. All of his ships and weapons were ruined.

"How did you.. How did you do it?" Shen turned to look at Yuki who had climbed aboard Shen's wrecked ship. "How did you find peace? I took away your parents. Your brother. Everything. I scarred you for life."

Yuki shook her head, "See, that's the thing, Shen. Scars fade. You have to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now."

Shen nodded, "You're right. Then I choose this!" He pulled out his feather blades and leapt to his feet. Yuki dodged most of his advances but ended up with a slice on her cheek.

Yuki flipped backwards out of the way. Shen flung his blades at her, which she quickly blocked with a piece of wood. As she did so, Shen grabbed a spear and lunged towards her.

Yuki quickly rolled out of the way and looked up with wide eyes as the destroyed cannon began to fall. Shen looked back as well and his eyes grew wide. Yuki lunged off into the water just as it crashed down and sent fireworks everywhere.

Yuki popped up out of the water, clinging to a piece of wood. She panted and glanced around as a crowd cheered. Shen was no more.

Yuki looked up at the boat that was next to her and saw Tigress hold a paw out to her. A soft smile on her face. Yuki returned the smile and grabbed onto her paw. She was pulled up into a hug.

"That was pretty hard-core." Tigress murmured before pulling back.

Yuki giggled, "It was okay, I guess."

"Yuki! Come here!" Yuki gasped as the Five tackle hugged her to the ground.

"Don't ever do that again, please." Crane said.

Shifu stepped towards them with a smile. "It seems you have found inner peace. And at such a young age." He suddenly looked annoyed.

Yuki sat up, Viper in one arm and Monkey in the other. She smiled at Shifu. "Well, I had a pretty good teacher." She tried to pull Shifu in for a hug but he suddenly disappeared. Yuki looked around wildly and found him standing on a submerged pole.

Yuki looked to the sky as fireworks went off. She gave a small smile and rose to her feet.

The villagers around them began cheering once more. Tigress placed a paw on Yuki's back, making the white tigress glance back at her, but Tigress was watching the fireworks.

"She's just one little cub.."

Yuki heard Ping cry as she walked into the plaza of her family's shop. A pig child began laughing and pointing at her. Ping turned to see what he was pointing at and gasped.

"Yuki!" He ran to her and wrapped her in a hug. Yuki returned the hug with a smile.

Ping pulled back after a minute, looking sheepish. "So, how did it go? Did you save China?"

"Yep." Yuki nodded.

Ping put his wings together. "Well, I knew you would." He pointed at her. "That's why I had new signs made." He picked one up. "My daughter saved China, you too, can save. Buy one dumpling, get one free."

Yuki giggled, "That's a pretty good deal."

"Would you like to try one?" He motioned back to the shop.

"Maybe later." Yuki sighed. "There's something I should tell you."

Ping gulped.

"While I was gone, I found my family's old vacation home."

"You did?"

Yuki nodded, "I know who I am."

"You do?" Ping looked scared.

"I'm your daughter." Her lip quivered and she threw her arms around her father. "I love you, Dad.."

Ping sniffled, "I love you too, my beautiful flower.."

Yuki pulled back and wiped her tears away.

Ping gasped, "You're probably hungry! Let me make you something to eat."

Yuki chuckled, "What are you talking about? I'll cook." She followed him to the shop.

"No, no, I'll cook."

"Dad!" Yuki giggled once more.

"Well it's the least I can do. You saved China."

Yuki patted the pig boy's head on her way through. "No, it's the least I can do. You raised me."



"Yuki!" He gave her a look which she rolled her eyes at.

"OK. Let's both cook. Together."

Ping turned to face her. "Together?" He contemplated it before turning. "No, I'll cook."

Yuki laughed and followed him inside.

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