Chapter 38: Family Drama

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This revelation left me completely speechless and I didn't know what to say to him to bring some comfort in his heart.

"I guess Mom didn't want to tell me the truth because she knew I would end up hating Dad if I learned about the actual reason for their divorce..." Keisuke added, running a hand through his long raven locks in frustration and my eyes softened at the sight of him.

Why would his father do that...? Why would he cheat on Ryoko-san...? I met Keisuke's father a couple of times when I was younger... But he didn't seem to be the type to do something like this... What should I say to Keisuke now to console him? Or do I even need to say anything to him...? Maybe not... Maybe he just needs to feel heard... Maybe he's longing to have his feelings acknowledged... So I should just stay quiet and let him vent...

I reached out and gently grabbed his hand in mine and then intertwined our fingers, giving his hand a light squeeze. This was my way of comforting him, assuring him that I was there for him and would always be there for him no matter what. I noticed it. The pain and frustration in his eyes were unavoidable and it ached my heart for him.

"Does Chifuyu or Kazutora know about it?" I asked him and in response, Keisuke shook his head.

"No. I didn't tell them... To be honest, I didn't feel like telling them at all. Sure, they're my close friends, but you're my best friend and I trust you the most, Nana... and I feel more comfortable when I'm sharing my feelings with you..." Keisuke stated in such a deep yet soft tone that it felt as if my heart was about to burst out of my chest.

Keisuke trusts me the most... He feels more comfortable with me...

My love for him was overwhelming me so much that I ended up tightening the grip of our intertwined hands even more.

"You might think I don't care about any of this shit. But the thing is Nana, I actually do care and I care a lot. That's why I didn't want them to get separated in this timeline. If only I knew from the start that Dad was cheating on Mom, then I won't have wasted my fucking time to try and save their marriage..." Keisuke admitted as he furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "Why are adults so goddamn selfish? Why do they never think about their kids before doing any bad things? If this is what it means to become an adult, then I don't want to grow up. I would rather remain a middle schooler for the rest of my life than become an adult and turn out to be just like my old man."

"You're not like your father, Keisuke. You're completely different from him." I tried to reassure him when he voiced his doubts and insecurities to me.

"How can you say that for sure, Nana?" he asked, frowning at me. "You know, I'm so scared right now. What if I end up hurting you like how he hurt my Mom? I'm his son after all."

"That's never gonna happen because I know what kind of person you are. I have known you for ages. You aren't someone to break a person's trust. Everyone knows how loyal, caring, and compassionate you are. I know you would never cheat on me or leave me for someone else. I believe in you, Keisuke. I trust you the most." I responded back in a strong tone with love and concern laced in my voice and Keisuke's eyes widened a bit for a moment before softening in the process.

He didn't say anything back to me in response but I knew he was feeling grateful to me for having this much faith and trust in him. I also didn't say anything to him either. I didn't need to correct or fix his problems. Keisuke could do it by himself, I was sure of it. I believed him enough that much. He just needed someone to support him, a shoulder to lean onto when he would have a hard time, someone who would reassure him with kind words. And I was so happy that Keisuke trusted me enough to let me be that person for him, that shoulder for him to lean on.

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