Chapter 1

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'The Devil In His Eyes'

"Are we gonna end up doing this again!" The man let out. The male pushed the gun forcefully on the skin of my throat. I clutched his arm and put tension on it, "hell yeah! I won't stop till I fulfill my damn goal!" my voice was hollow, and could hardly breathe at this point with a firearm to my strait, but I held my ground. Blood was everywhere, and it was all mine. The man unexpectedly proceeded to let go and strike the gun to my head provoking me to go senseless.

I woke up. My head ached and started to suffer, I attempted to go to the bathroom to get some painkillers expecting this would ease the discomfort. Turning the sink on I began washing my face but maintained the moistness away from my wound.

This doesn't look good. I thought to myself as I scanned the damage on my head.


"How does it look?" I questioned. The doctor inclined back on his seat and sighed, "What is keeping you doing this variety of stuff?" I looked down at my knees as my legs hung off the cushion of the medical bed "I don't know"

He sighed once more, "I expected you to say that" Well what the hell am I supposed to say? I thought.

The doctor grabbed a little yellow bottle with medications in it, "Take 2 a day! And get some rest, you don't want to overdo yourself"

"I just fell!?" I complained. "Well part of me thinks you are lying. I see you like every month" he grimaces back. I can only sigh, my justifications aren't getting better, sooner or later I'm gonna end up in a therapy session or might even be penitentiary time for harming myself.

"Just don't forget to eat healthy and drink plenty of water!"

"Yeah, I know you say this like every month!" I traversed my arms.

"But last time you had a cut on the side of your stomach, and that time you were dozed out by drugs!"

"Alright, alright! I'll do what you say! Can I please go now" I stepped off the medical bed and witnessed his eyes.

"Yes you may go, but sign those papers!" I nodded and vacated his room to attend to the office to sign off papers for my injury.

I started my car and put it in reverse. I couldn't stop imagining myself being in a therapy room with someone, normally I don't talk to a lot of people and it stresses me out just thinking of what the therapist might say, "Are you gonna get yourself in trouble? Is there anything you might be hiding from me? What about you think of changing your job?"

That's right, my job. I work with a gang, and they know I have the potential of killing a person. Primarily it's illegal to straight up killing somebody but they pay well. Real good.

I was on the highway when my phone started to ring. I picked it up and asked who it was, and he replied, "It's me" I realized the tone of his voice was my boss.

"What is it?"

"I have a mission for you"

"Okay, I'm on my way" I hung up and drove in his direction.

As I got to the location I witnessed a camera. My car was stopped by the garage door in front of me. I looked at the camera and took out my ID revealing my identity. As the garage door opened I drove in and parked it.

I stepped out and someone walked toward me "Hey, Viggo wants you,"

"Yeah I know, I got the call" The man nodded and decided to take a smoke. "Oh, and I want it clean!" I demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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