TORD?! (8)

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(Edd's POV)

I couldn't believe my eye's. There was Tom fighting with none other than Tord?! I ran over to keep Tom from killing Tord. Sure Tord betrayed us and blew up the house but I wasn't going to let him be killed by Tom.  "EDD LET ME GO!!!" Tom yells. "Haha Classic Stupid Tom." I hear Tord say. "Tord what are you doing here?!" I shout at the man I used to call my friend. "Oh nothing really, I'm just here on business is all." Tord says as he pulls his hood down revealing scars on one side of his face. "Holy Pony Eating Macaroni!!" I hear Tom say. "Oh my face." I hear Tord say. "I can thank you for that actually Thomas." Tord then chuckles. "Who the heck is this guy!!?" I hear Dipper ask. Tord looks over at Dipper and smirks. "Ah you must be Dipper Pine's." He says walking over to Dipper. "How do you know my name?!" Dipper says a bit concerned. "Oh a friend of mine told me about you and your family." Tord says before turning back to me and Tom. "Now I would love to stay and chat but I have something important to do." He says smiling. "So long old friends." Tord says before leaving. "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!" Tom shouts. "You know that guy?" Dipper asks me. "Yeah he used to be our friend." I say sadly. "He used to be yours and Matt's friend." Tom says annoyed. I suddenly hear Matt groaning. "What happened?" He asks as he looks at the mess left by Tom and Tord's  fight.  "It's a long story Matt." I tell him. "Well we should probably start looking for Ford." I say remembering that one of Dippers Grunkles was missing. "Dipper I've been meaning to ask." I say gaining Dipper's attention. "What's a Grunkle?" I ask. "Oh it's short for great uncle." Dipper says. "Oh... that actually makes a lot of sense." I hear Tom say.  "Ok guys we should probably split up if we want to find Dipper's Uncle." I say. "Me and Matt will look around the Mystery Shack." I say. "While Dipper and Tom can ask around town." I say looking at Tom and Dipper. "Ok here's a walkie talkie so we can contact each other if we find something." Dipper says handing me a walkie talkie. I look to see Dipper holding one of his own. We all decided to go ahead and start looking so we split up and began searching.

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