Seungmin did not know why but his mind kept wandering back to Danielle, and due to the fact he had not been paying attention in class it caused him to get the answer wrong when asked by the teacher. He sighed in frustration and took the punishment of detention for 15 minutes after school.


As the bell rang Danielle rushed out of the door and started walking towards the restroom with her head tilted down so no one could see her facial expression. She was upset with what was going on at school, not paying attention to Seungmin chasing after her to check on her, he didn't care if she was going to the women's restroom.


Seungmin's eyes had bulged hearing the words coming out of his teacher's mouth. They were going to host an assembly in appreciation of all parents in which each student had to participate. His mind going back to Danielle, scared of how she felt about this he couldn't stop himself from thinking about how she could feel about this. As the bell rang he rushed out of the classroom to catch Danielle, already looking unpleasant, he could care less that she is going to the women's restroom. All he cares about is her.

Seungmin was too late to catch her eye as she had already hidden herself from in a stall but he could hear the soft sniffles and sobs of this precious girl, now he understood why his mind had been traveling to her this whole day. He was growing feelings for Danielle. And he had to stop them.

Danielle, although she likes to tell herself that she could care less, she does not have good parents. At least they give her shelter and clothes, maybe not food anymore but that is beside the point. She was in this stall sobbing her eyes out with no one to comfort her and her mind was traveling at 100 miles per hour. What will they think about me now? Will they judge me if I tell the truth? Maybe I should just lie. Can I skip the whole thing if I explain the situation to the principal? What will Seungmin think of me?

She paused for a moment. Seungmin? Did she care about him that much?

Danielle was in that stall not long after the thought of Seungmin, she did not want to be late to another class. Stepping out of the stall she had sat in she did not check her surroundings just went straight to the sink. Oblivious to the fact of a certain male standing so near to her. After splashing some water on her face she looked into the mirror. "Do I like what I am seeing? Obviously not, who would like me?" She thought. Her eyes drifted to the other presence in the room and she jumped.

"Seungmin! You are NOT supposed to be in here!"
"I was just worried about you, chill! And there is no one else in here. So it does not matter!"
"Yes it does! When we walk out a teacher could see us and we would be in SO much trouble!" Danielle was furious at the boy. I mean what was he thinking just running into the girls bathroom like that! Danielle was about to continue scolding him, but she felt dizzy and she held her head trying to stop the feeling. Seungmin, noticing this, got worried so he took her to the nurse's office once again. He picked her up in bridal style and rushed, without trying to hurt Danielle, there.

Once getting here the nurse seems confused.
"Didn't I see you two just last period?" the nurse asks in confusion
"Well yes but Danielle was feeling dizzy again and I didn't want her to go to class feeling like this."
"I see," the nurse clarifies, "so do you still feel dizzy Danielle?"
Danielle answers shortly after thinking "A little."
"Danielle, are you sure it's just a little?"
"Yeah I am fine! It was just the spur of the moment. I can go to class."
Danielle follows this statement with a mumble. "And he can go too."

Seungmin smirked. He knew she cared about him. Maybe she didn't show it but still.

"Ok I'm going to give you two a tardy slip." she hesitated. "But please do not be reluctant to come back here if you continue to have problems."

Danielle quickly nods and starts walking away while the nurse pulls Seungmin to the side. "Danielle can be very difficult to take care of," the nurse continues, " she does not take care for herself and instead she just ignores the bad things going on in her life. So please just take her here if you are worried." The nurse pleads. "Yes ma'am" Seungmin replies now, aware of mostly everything he needs to know.

He runs off to Danielle and puts his arm around her shoulder which she rolls off in a rude manner. "Please don't make the same mistake I did." the nurse mutters before being called to by a student for some help.

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