"Last night he had one beer... and was texting back and forth with someone. Kassidys name popped up one time that I could see. He was all smiley and then he got another one and then he bolted."

"Well if something is going on, they will tell people when they are ready."

Luckily Brady dropped it after that. I knew it was back and forth between Kassidy and Jake and they needed to work through whatever so I dropped it because I didn't want to keep pushing the matter.

After we showered, we ate lunch and were now waiting for my parent's, Amanda and Kyson to arrive. They were able to catch a flight out of Minneapolis together and then we're going to rent a car and drive to the ranch together.

I got super excited when Charlie started barking and ran over to the window. I gave Brady a quick kiss and ran over to the window and did a happy dance. "They're here!"

Brady followed me out of the door but I left his side and ran down to the car. Amanda was equally excited as she stepped out of the back of the rental car.


"Manders!" We wrapped our arms around each other tightly and screamed happily as we rocked back and forth. After we let go Mom pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you so much, baby girl."

"I've missed you too, Mom."

I pulled away, seeing Dad already shaking Brady's hand before turning towards me, engulfing me into a big bear hug.

Kyson smiled and opened his arms to me. "Saving the best for last." He picked me up and spun me, before putting me back down again. "You look really good, El. This place has done wonders for you."

"It really has." I went around introducing Brady to everyone, even though I was sure he knew who they all were already.

"Eleanor, this place looks amazing. You really did a good job." Dad said, looking around the ranch.

"It was a mess, but I'm happy with the way everything came together. Brady's Dad helped with Grandpa's barn, the painters did a really good job."

"Mom and Dad would be really proud of the way this place looks now." Dad said, proudly.

"I hope so. Come, let's go inside."

Brady and I helped them carry their luggage into the house. "Mom and Dad, I have you in the spare bedroom and Amanda, you guys are in the room upstairs."

"This place is adorable." Amanda said, looking around.

"And I love the curtains you picked out. You're right, they look really good in here, way better than those gold ones."

I was in heaven. My heart swelled having family here with me and I knew this week was unfortunately going to go by way too fast.


The next day, Amanda, Mom and I went into town, got a massage and a pedicure before going to the grocery store to pick up food for tonight and the rest of the week, while the boys went with Brady to the Montgomery ranch and did their own thing together for the day.

Later that night, we prepared the food for tonight's supper. I was having Brady's family and their ranch hand over for dinner tonight and this way Brady and my family could get to know one another. I chuckled at Dad. "I can't believe you brought that much beer and cheese on the airplane with you."

"You said you wanted to make beer battered cheese curds for tonight's dinner, what's better than Leinenkugel's beer and Mom got the best cheese curds Wisconsin has to offer."

Under The Montana Skies Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora