Deep Trouble

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- (Y/n) P.O.V. -

It was a night bathing in silver moonlight, it was cold, cold enough for the mist to cover the forest that surrounded the lake where Ben and I had decied to try out swimming at night. I was quite grumpy when Ben woke me up, but the idea of having some fun at night was attractive. We changed into our swimming trunks and ran off to the lake, excited. When we saw a rock that looked like a ramp, we raced towards it and jumped off of it into the lake without a second thought.

Ben/Me: "Cannonball!" - we shouted mid-air, crashing the water cover with our bodies and submerging into it. As we broke the surface of the water, we already knew what we wanted to do.

Ben: "Yes! Perfect ten!" - he said, while I was imitating cheers of crowd.

Ben: "Ah, the crowd loves them!" - we high-fived each other.

Gwen: "A perfect dweebs is more like it." - she said, getting our attention.

I make my way to the docks and get onto it sitting on its edge.

Me: "Come on, Gwen, we are just enjoying our stay near the lake. You could try this out as well."

Ben: "Yeah! Dive in!"

Gwen: "Who knows what nasty slimy things are slithering around in there..." - she was pointing her flashlight around and decided to direct the flashlight at Ben.

Me: "I guess case proven." - me and Gwen chuckled.

Ben: "Hey! Not cool, dude!" - he said, playfully splashing me with water with some getting on Gwen. He didn't have to wait long until he got some in return.

Gwen: "Ah! Knock it off, midget!" - she almost shouted, walking back a little and huffing in annoyance.

Me: "Come on, Gwen, it's just some water. You won't melt."

Ben: "Witches melt in water, didn't you know, (Y/n)?" - Ben and I both chuckle at that.

Gwen: "Whatever. I'll go change and straight to sleep." - she said that, and while was looking at her go. I started hearing Ben struggle to keep himself on water.

Ben: "Hey! Wha*cough* What's hape*cough-cough*..." - with that, he was fully submerged into water.

Gwen: "Very funny, Ben." - she said sarcastically, while we waited for him to show up. Almost twenty seconds passed, but he didn't resurface, making both me and Gwen more worried.

Gwen returned to the dock right this instant, standing by my side, while I was waiting to see what got Ben or dive in with Ripjaws if he doesn't resurface soon.

Gwen: "I am not falling for it." - she was trying to convince herself that it was just Ben joking around, as usual, but a hint of worry escaped her mouth.

I was looking closely at the water where Ben was, while Gwen was watching at the lake, hoping to see any sign of movement.

Me: "Ben?" - at this moment, a giant creature, coated in seaweed, emerged from water. I was already activating my watch and spinning my dial to transform into Heatblast, while Gwen was screaming and hiding behind my back.

I was about to press the dial, when I saw four arms and four distinctive yellow eyes.

Me: "Ben." - I said, not surpised of my sudden realization.

Gwen: "Ben?!" - she shouted more than asked. She was fuming, because she was genually worried about Ben, but her worry turned out to be played by her cousin for a mere prank.

The Demitrix (HIATUS) (Ben 10 x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now