Chapter 14 - Cʜᴀᴅ

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    The group were now walking up the steps of the subway seeing the theatre in sight "Be careful Cels" Mickey said to Celia as he stood in front of her "Like Mindy said there are new rules" Dewey said as he and Mickey followed the group as they got closer to the theatre as the group saw Kirby across the street from the theatre.

     "Hey I talked to Bailey. I've got everything set up" Kirby said as the group reached her before the woman looked around for Mindy, Sierra and Ethan "Where are they?" Kirby asked referring to the three missing members of the group "They're 5 minutes behind us" Tara told Kirby who nodded "Let's get you all set up" Kirby said as she walked forward towards the theatre when Sam stopped and turned to Danny "Not you" Sam told Danny as they all turned around "What?" Danny said confused "Don't trust anyone remember?" Sam said from their past conversation "We don't know you, not really" The oldest Carpenter said to Danny as he shook his head "You know me" Danny said to Sam "You know Woodsboro" Sam harshly shouted at the man "I'm sorry" Sam said as she looked down "It's okay ... I get it. Be safe okay?" Danny whispered to Sam before kissing her cheek "Okay?" He had asked again "You too" Sam said before she turned around following the group down the alleyway as Kirby nodded her head "Good call" Kirby said to Sam.

   Celia walked down the alleyway holding Chad's hand with one hand and the other resting above her hip where the gun was "It's been 5 minutes she should be here by now" Celia said worrying about Mindy "She'll be here Cels" Chad reassured his girlfriend before turning around to see if his sister was there "Chad, what if they are Ghostface?" Celia said as Chad turned his down to look at Celia "They wouldn't do that" Chad said squeezing Celia's hand "Okay?" The Meeks-Martin boy asked "Okay"  Was all Celia said.

    They made their way in through the back to keep hidden as Kirby opened the door before they all made their way up the stairs, waiting for Kirby to use the keycard to get into the last door. The group had made their way in slowly and carefully as their eyes glanced around the room waiting for Kirby "Is this place clear?" Celia asked as she turned around to look at Kirby who nodded her head "I cleared the place before you got here" Kirby said as she looked around at the group "So this is the only way in and out of the building. He steps through that door, both door lock attomaticly. Trapping him inside and we turn this into a kill box" Kirby said as she tried demonstrating it with her hands "Weapons?" Sam asked as she crossed her arms "One gun and I hold onto it" Kirby said as she looked around at the group while Celia tried to keep a straight face to keep Kirby from reading her "That's not fair" Celia said as Kirby turnt to look at her "We all deserve out fair share on this asshole" Celia said as she crossed her arms tilting her head slightly "I'm the only one with the badge in this room and that's the way its gonna go" Kirby said as she looked at Celia who gave her a 'What the fuck' face as Sam sighed "I'm gonna check on Mindy and see where they are" Sam stated before taking her jacket off and throwing it somewhere as everyone went off in different directions while Celia stood next to Kirby "Hand it over" Kirby said sticking her hand out "Hand what over?" Celia asked innocently "The gun, I wasn't born yesterday" Kirby said as Celia smirked "I have a license for both" Celia said before walking away leaving Kirby looking at her annoyed.

     "Hey" Chad said as Celia walked over to him and Tara "Can I talk to you?" He asked as Celia's mind started running 100 miles per hour with thoughts "Yeah sure" Celia said as she followed Chad into a room. As the couple stood opposite each other Chad shook his hands trying to prepare himself for what he was about to say "Just spit it out already" Celia told him as she walked closer to him taking his face in her hands "Okay ... I've got this" Chad whispered to himself and then looked at Celia "Okay, so um I want to tell you this now just in case i don't make it this time" Chad said as Celia looked at him confused "What's wrong?" Celia asked with a look of worry "I um" Chad started to stutter "Jesus Christ, Chad just tell me" Celia said as she watched him grab a piece of paper out of his pocket and opening the paper before reading it "Celina-Tatum Riley-Weathers, I remember how we first met, you were walking out of the girls changing rooms and I was running down the hallways to get home to pizza" Chad started as Celia laughed a little still confused on what he was getting at "I bumped into you and I genuinely thought I gave you a concussion from how hard I hit you and when you walked away I kicked the wall for not asking for your number but as soon as I walked into the changing rooms I threw my clothes on and I didn't even realise till I got home and Mindy told me my shirt was on backwards I was too focused on getting to you to even notice" Chad said as he laughed a little making Celia smile "And when I went to that party and saw you kick I guy in the balls I was so fucking scared you would of done the same to me if I asked for your number but after we played 21 questions I knew from that moment on I loved you" Chad said as Celia looked at him with tears in her eyes "Will you Celina-Tatum Riley-Weathers marry me?" Chad asked Celia who looked at him "I haven't got a ring yet and I know I should of-" Chad said but was cut off by Celia kissing him as they stayed there together being the only two people in the world before Celia felt a stabbing pain in her lower back before screaming as they both pulled back seeing Ghostface standing there with a bloody knife in his hand waving it around before Tara ran into the room grabbing Celia as Ghostface went to swing at Chad who dodged their knife before shoving them into a case of glass watching the glass shards go everywhere.

    The killer stood back up swinging for Chad again who dodged their knife yet again, punching Ghostface in the face and then kicking the killer in the stomach before running to Celia's aid and helping her stand up so they could run as Celia grunted in pain "I'm sorry .. I'm sorry" Chad kept whispering to the girl who was now letting tears slip down her face as Chad opened the door to be met with Sam standing there "Come on!" Sam yelled as Celia limped as fast as she could with all the pain she was having "It's Kirby! She's the killer" Sam shouted as they ran "No shit!" Tara yelled as Celia looked around at them "Kirby wouldn't do that" Celia said as she grunted in pain again before they made their way to the gate as Chad pulled on it trying to get it to open "It's locked" Chad shouted as Celia fell in pain before Tara helped her up "Come on Cels" Tara said as she put Celia's arm around her shoulder.

   The group ran to where all the creepy stuff of the killers and the past was to try and look for an exit to find none "She made this an actual kill box"  Sam yelled as she turned around as Celia looked at her "Who told you Kirby was Ghostface?" Celia said as she held onto her wound while both sisters ignored her "Hey what about there? That's an exit door ... maybe it leads to the roof or something" Tara said quickly wanting to get out of there as Chad grabbed Celia from Tara, putting her arm around his waist and his arm around hers "There's only one way to find out. Let's go! Let's go" Chad said as he started moving with Celia who tried to keep up with him.

    Then Ghostface appeared and jumped down from the stage swinging their knife at Tara which caused her to fall before they swung for Sam that she had dodged but lost her knife in the process. Then they tried to swing at Celia but Chad ducked them both downwards making the killer miss but take the head off of a manikin "Beheadings" Chad yelled with wide eyes before Celia moved herself from him so he could run faster as Ghostface moved forward with Chad easily shoving Ghostface to the ground and picking up an object after he realised Ghostface was getting back up, as he was ultimately smacked the killer back down to the floor, again.

    Chad had a camera in his hand ready to knock the killer out as he swung it back "Smile for the camera mother fucker" Chad yelled before hitting Ghostface in the face with the camera while Celia was stood behind the two sisters hoping Chad would be behind her but when she turnt around he was running towards her with Ghostface hot on his trail Celia's heart was pounding through her head from the pain of her wound.

   Chad had thrown an object at Ghostface, as the three girls were in front he knocked the popcorn machine down as glass broke everywhere.

  Again Chad was attacked but dodged yet again before he was cornered by Ghostface as the two sisters ran forward to help Chad by pulling Ghostface away from the boy as he punched him in the face while Celia stood back watching when she felt something slip into her back pocket but not caring as she limped forward when Ghostface fell before trying to get up but was met with Celia's foot to their face.

   "Go now!" Chad yelled to the girls who all started running in front when they heard a scream before Celia turned her head to see something that would haunt her as she went to run towards Chad but was held back by Sam "Let me go!" Celia yelled trying to get out of their grip "Chad!" Celia yelled as tears started streaming down her face  while Sam held onto Celia tighter to letting Celia run into her death as she watched Celia cry and scream as she watched Chad get stabbed a billion times, when Chad's body dropped and there were no movements coming from his body as the two Ghostface's wiped their knives as they turned to them "We have to go now and we need you to run. Can you do that?" Sam asked as Celia nodded as she wiped her tears feeling for her guns and to see they were still there as the three girls ran with Celia limping as fast as she could.

   They had just killed the most important person in her life who had just proposed to her. Celia was more pissed off then she had ever been. "Will you kill these assholes now?" Mickey asked as he crossed his arms with Dewey next to him "I agree with him. They tried to kill our future son-in-law" Dewey said as Celia and the two sisters carried on running.

  All Celia saw was red.




Words - 2015

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒-𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍 |Where stories live. Discover now