It's a date then

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   20th October 2020, Celia walked into school the same as every other day, she walked up to her locker where Liv was waiting for her "How did I end up back at my house on Friday?" Liv asked "Well me and my dad were about to leave when I saw you stumbling out of the house. So because I'm a nice friend I dropped you off" Celia told her friend smiling. "Well, hurry up we've got maths and Mr Williams will kill me if I'm late again" The McKenzie girl told her friend "Jeez, I don't think he'd kill you" Celia told her friend grabbing her book from her locker.

  Celia and Liv walked into maths together and sat in their usual seats like always, Celia next to Mindy who was on her right and Tara Carpenter on her left while Liv was in front next to Amber Freeman. "So?? What happened with my brother??" Mindy asked the Riley girl "Well we got to know each other-" Celia started but got stopped by the Carpenter girl saying "Please don't tell me you played 21 questions with him" "Well for your information we did and it was really fun" Celia told her friends while crossing her arms "Well carry on with your story" Amber told her friend turning her chair to face Celia "Well he asked for my number and I gave it to him" Celia told her friends "Well till your dad and the cops busted the party" Mindy informed Celia "Ah yes till then" She said smiling.

  At the end of class Celia and Mindy ended up walking to gym class together talking about random things. Celia and Mindy walked out to the running track where they were doing PE for today and both found a spot at the other end of the track and started warming up "So if my brother asked you out. Would you say yes or no?" The Martin girl asked "Mindy I love you but I'm not letting you in on my love life" Celia told her friend standing up. "See you later snail" The Riley girl said running off. That's when she felt the presence of another person next to her "Mindy how the fuck did you get here so fast?" Celia asked not bothering to turn her head "Wrong twin" The Martin boy told her. The Riley girl looked to her right and there he was "Hey" she said slowing "Hi there" he said matching her running pace. "So, let me guess you ditched Mindy because she's trying to get you to talk" Chad asked the girl "Ding ding ding" Celia answered "She tried doing the same to me after she sobered up" The Martin boy told her "Well that's Mindy" She told him starting to gain her pace up again. It was quiet but not an awkward one it was more of a comfortable one. "What are you doing Friday?" Chad spoke up while he stopped running "Nothing. Why?" The Riley girl asked while she stopped running coming face to face with him.  "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me?" He asked while his face went red "I'd like that" she said before saying "it's a date then" she smiled "Okay well I'll pick you up Friday?" The Martin boy said smiling "Sure. I'll text you my address" The Riley girl told him smiling. "Well I'll see you later Cels" Chad to the girl pointing to his friends that were cheering him on "See you later chad" She told him starting to run again.

   After school Celia was sat in the local police station waiting for her dad in his office. "So he asked you out?" The McKenzie girl asked in her ear "Yeah he did... Well I don't know he invited me to the fair and I told him it's a date" The Riley girl said while putting her head back "Well I'm happy for you ce you deserve it" Liv said over the phone "Thanks Liv" She told her friend. The phone to her dad's office started ringing "I've got to go. I'll talk to you later" Celia said hanging her phone up and walking to the phone "Hello?" She questioned the person on her other line "Celia?" The person said "Who's this?" She asked "Well that hurt. It's me, Cia" The person on the other line said "Mom?" She questioned "thats right" Her mother, Gale Weathers, told her "How are you?" She asked her daughter "I'm fine. I've got a track race on Wednesday" she told her mother "look at you. You're growing up so fast" Gale told the Riley girl "Um I know you might say no but could you come? It'll make me feel less nervous knowing I've got you and dad supporting me" Celia told her mother knowing what the answer would be "I'll try everything I can to get there" She told her daughter knowing what her face was saying by the quietness on Celias line "I've got to go dads here. I'll let him know you called" She said "Bye Cia" Gale told her daughter "Bye mom" Celia said as she hung up the phone. "Why did I even ask her I already know the answer. It's the same one every single time" celia told herself trying not to cry. That's when her phone buzzed.

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