I try and focus on just us as if we are the only two around and the only sound is my heart beating. Before I know it I start to hear his voice '-'re perfect, I am glad you are my partner'. I pull away and hold my head "I think it worked" Damian and Talia come over to me "Are you ok" I smile at Talia "It just shocked me a little, im fine".

"So you heard me" I nod "Thank you- Im, also glad you're my partner" he frowned before it turned into a small smile "I meant every word b-, Y/N". "Do you both want a break or should we keep trying" I turn to Damian and close the space between us "Can you keep going" he nodded "Let's go again, this time you can try saying something" We connect again, this time with me saying something in my head just like he said.

Damian's P.O.V

I try and block out anything that could interfere with me hearing her inside my head, I begin to hear her voice. It is a little muffled at first but it becomes clear '-you for accepting me'. Before she can pull away I pull her closer and cup her face on both sides, I could feel her hands on my shoulder from when I pulled her forward suddenly but I ignored it to immerse myself back into our bubble.

I kept our connection 'I always will' I heard her gasp 'we-were holding it for longer, and I can hear your full sentences' I laughed 'Did you not think we would be able to' I somehow felt her smile through the connection 'not for a while, practice makes perfect I guess'. Finally, I pull out feeling a little strained once we are out of the connection I am immersed back into our surroundings.

"You guys held it for about 30 seconds, amazing" I looked at my mother then turned to her and we both smiled at each other "Talia, Damian, Y/N". I looked over to see Grandfather walking closer "Do you need something Grandfather" he laughed softly "I think you guys have trained on this enough for the day, and besides Y/N needs to pick her partner and pack, as do you".

Y/N steps away from me and nods "he does have a point, and when I pack it's a lot" I smirk "Didn't take you for an excessive clothing packer bel- Y/N". I scold myself in my head for almost slipping up again, she doesn't seem to catch on again because she looks at me with a smirk of her own. "I'm not...I tend to overpack on knives" She walked away from all of us and back into headquarters.

It is quiet until the door shuts behind her "You got lucky my son, she didn't seem to catch on to your new pet name for her" my head snaps to my mother with a blush "I- I didn't say it" I heard them both chuckle "so you weren't about to call her beloved" I turn and look into the water "I-I was". I felt my wrist start to burn slightly making me reach for it "What's wrong" I look back up to see my mother kneeling down to my height in front of me.

"My wrist just burns slightly, it's ok" she nods "So about calling Y/N beloved" I blush "I just- when she told me that story about what happened when someone saw her eyes and then when we help that connection for longer...I have never felt closer to her and I think I have- I think I-".

I hear grandfather speak from his place "You love her" I look up at him and he smiles at me "I know she's my partner but- I can't help whatever this is" My mother put both her hand on my shoulders "its ok Damian, she is perfect for you. I have never seen you care about someone as much as you do her...but now that you have come to terms with it, and she doesn't know and we don't know if she feels the same...you can't treat her differently".

I look at her confused "What's that supposed to mean" Grandfather speaks again "You can't be any more protective of her than you already are" my mother speaks after "You can't call her beloved or try giving her special treatment" I look at them both.

"I wasn't going-" my mother cuts me off "Trust me, you would have Damian. She is a very strong girl and she can handle herself if you were to suddenly start keeping her from missions or hindering her because you are afraid she will get hurt...she might get offended and then you can let go of any hope she will love you back".

I sigh "I know she can handle herself and I am not going to get in her way or hold her back from dangerous missions just because I might be worried...I will try to bite my tongue on calling her beloved" my mother chuckles "this might help in your favor, if you still treat her the same she might be appreciative when she finds out you loved her all that time but didn't start treating her differently" I chuckle thinking of her.

"Yeah, she will" it goes silent before mother gets up "I am going to get this mission rolling, you and Y/N will be heading out tonight so go get ready"


I am sorry for being late on these updates but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Thanks for reading! :)

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