Jisung stared fondly as Minho smiled a big and bright, genuine smile. "What?" Minho asked, still smiling. "Nothing." Jisung said, smiling softly as he continued staring into Minho's eyes. Minho felt uneasy under Jisung's intense gaze and averted his eyes, looking into the water beside them before yelling "It's back!" "Huh?" Jisung asked just as the huge fish brushed against the back of his legs. He squealed and leapt onto Minho screaming "It touched me!" Minho caught him, holding his waist as Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck. Minho's heart began to beat faster as he held Jisung. His eyes darted from Jisung's eyes to his lips. He wet his lips as he stared at Jisung so close to his face. Jisung blushed furiously, being both embarrassed by his reaction to the fish and flustered by being held so close to Minho. As Minho let go of Jisung, he dragged his hands along his waist, sending a shiver up Jisung's spine. They separated and the guide called for all the snorkelers to return to the boat. As they rode back to the shore Minho said "I can't believe you got me to go snorkeling. I usually avoid open waters like the plague." "Yeah, you were pretty scared. It was cute, you being all clingy and relying on me to protect you from the big scary ocean." Jisung said cutely, pushing Minho and trying to contain his smile. "You? Protect me? You jumped into my arms because a fish touched you." Minho said. "Whatever, you have to admit I eased your fears a bit out there." Jisung said. Minho didn't say anything and looked off in the distance, avoiding Jisung's eyes teasingly. "And you are glad I forced you to do it right? You had fun, at least admit that." Jisung added, moving in front of where Minho was looking away. Minho replied nonchalantly "It was pretty cool."

       They reached the shore and returned all their gear as Minho asked "Where to next?" "To the shops!" Jisung yelled excitedly. "Did you really plan out the whole day? Is this like a... date? Does this count as you making a move on me?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow. "I was just telling you what I have planned, you are the one over here inviting yourself along." Jisung said, smirking. "Well I didn't plan anything so I might as well tag along. Since I didn't plan on snorkeling though, I didn't bring any extra clothes. I guess I will just have to walk around in my wet swim trunks and shirt." Minho said. "I promise it won't kill you. I didn't bring a change of clothes either." Jisung said as he walked off towards the town. "I'm starving! Let's get something from one of the street vendors!" Jisung said, running off towards a fruit cart. He ordered a cup of fresh cut mango slices with chamoy sauce. Jisung got a forkful and took a bite, instantly regretting getting chamoy sauce. He started panting and fanning his tongue and Minho laughed. "I should have known you can't handle spice." Minho said laughing as he casually ate his watermelon with chamoy sauce and chili. "How can you eat that?!" Jisung said with his tongue out and eyes watering. Minho cracked up, walking away and coming back with a drink from the next vendor. "What is that?" Jisung asked, still panting. "Horchata." Minho answered as he handed it to Jisung. Jisung grabbed the drink and chugged it, immediately feeling a little better. "That was so good, too bad I could barely enjoy it since my mouth was on fire." Jisung said as they continued walking.

       "Yeah it's milk and rice based so I figured it would be good to dull the spice." Minho said. "Fast thinking there." Jisung said. "You don't get to where I am at in life without being quick witted." Minho said confidently. "Please, you probably inherited the building from a family member." Jisung scoffed. "Hate to break it to you but nothing was handed to me. My money is self made. I worked hard to get to where I am. I doubt you would know anything about that?" Minho said, sounding slightly defensive. "When you have raw talent, you work smarter not harder. I didn't have to claw my way to the position I'm in by tooth and nail because I'm simply the best. Since I was a sophomore in university, tech companies have been breaking down my door to get me to work with them." Jisung said in an arrogant tone. "And you're so humble too." Minho said sarcastically. "If knowing my worth makes me sound full of myself then so be it." Jisung said. "So you have to beat men AND jobs off with a stick? What a lucky guy." Minho said, continuing the sarcasm. 'This guy. Thinks he's God's gift or something. Makes me want to knock him down a peg.' Minho thought, annoyed. Jisung rolled his eyes thinking 'He really likes looking down on me from his high horse doesn't he?' They continued walking through the street market, shopping around before Jisung stopped at a clothing stand, squealing "Oh these are so cute! I have got to get one of these Costa Maya shirts!" Jisung picked up a couple shirts in two different sizes and held them up to himself saying "Man, I'm like an in-between size, it's hard to know which to get, I need to try it on."

       "Ma'am, do you happen to have an area for trying on clothes?" Jisung asked the shop owner. "I'm sorry, no understand." She answered in broken English. "Lo siento, no estaba pensando. Señora, usted tiene un probador?" Jisung asked in perfect Spanish. Minho blinked his eyes in disbelief. The lady also looked confused but answered back "No tengo, lo siento." "¿Puedo probarse esta camiseta aquí mismo?" Jisung asked. "Si, esta bien." She said. "Y-you speak Spanish?" Minho stuttered, still in shock. "Yeah." Jisung answered like it was no big deal. "You sound fluent... and your accent..." Minho said. "Am I finally starting to impress you?" Jisung asked with a sly smile. "Uh yeah kind of..." Minho replied, chuckling. "What did you ask her?" Minho added. "I just asked her if she had a fitting room and she told me no so I asked if I could try it on right here." Jisung said as he handed Minho the two shopping bags filled with souvenirs that he had already bought. "Wait... right here?" Minho asked just as Jisung pulled his shirt off. "Hold this for me." Jisung said as he threw his shirt into Minho's hand and went to pull on the Costa Maya shirt. Minho stared wide eyed at Jisung's full pecs and toned abs. "How does this one look?" Jisung asked as he got the shirt on. "Umm, I don't know, I think you need to try the other one on just to be sure." Minho said. Jisung pulled off the shirt, handing it to him this time. He noticed Minho's eyes scanning him and he blushed as he said laughing "Hey! You pervert, you just wanted to see me with my shirt off again!" Minho's face flushed too as he marveled at Jisung's muscular, broad shoulders and practically nonexistent waist. Minho didn't say anything, defending himself at this point would be futile as he continued to basically drool over Jisung.

       "I think this one is too tight." Jisung said finally after getting the shirt on. Minho checked him out, his nipples slightly visible through the thin fabric. He exhaled sharply before saying "I think it looks good. Better than the first one." "You don't think skin tight and pink is too much?" Jisung asked. "I think it's just enough." Minho replied. Jisung's cheeks burned at Minho so shamelessly checking out his body but he loved every second of it. 'Maybe he can rip this tight shirt off of me later.' Jisung thought, biting his lip. They walked around and as Jisung was looking across the street at one of the shops, he accidentally bumped into a man's back. The man whipped around angrily as he looked Jisung up and down before laughing and saying rudely "Watch where you're walking princesa!" "You're the one standing in the middle of the walkway, pendejo." Jisung snapped back quickly without thinking. "What the fuck did you say to me?" The man huffed as he grabbed Jisung by the shirt, tugging it so hard that the seam by the neck began to tear. "What the hell man! I just bought this shirt!" Jisung whined. Minho intervened, removing the man's hands from Jisung's collar and stepping in between the two of them. "Your little boyfriend thinks he can protect you. You're lucky that I don't have the time to beat your ass." The man said, about to turn and leave. "Keep your bitch on a leash before she gets hurt." The man added in Minho's face. Jisung bucked at the large man, resembling an angry Chihuahua rearing up to a Rottweiler. "Watch out, this bitch can bite, but you would probably like that wouldn't you." Jisung said, winking just to piss him off. The man stepped back, disgusted and taken off guard by Jisung's wink and tripped on a crack in the sidewalk, falling backwards.

        Jisung laughed as he said "Wow, literally falling for me as we speak." "Shut the fuck up Jisung. Let's go." Minho said under his breath to Jisung. "You're dead! Kill that bitch!" The man yelled orders to his two equally large friends. Minho grabbed Jisung's hand, prompting him to run away with him. Jisung dropped his bags of souvenirs and let go of Minho's hand so they could run at full speed to lose the two guys chasing them. Minho knocked over a large cart of shoes, stopping the men in their tracks as Minho and Jisung continued running without stopping until they got back to the cruise ship. As they struggled for air, panting and wheezing, Minho managed to get out in between breaths "What is wrong with you? How can you be so smart but have no common sense? What were you thinking talking to a guy like that, twice your size in a foreign country? He could have had a gun or been a part of a cartel or something." "But he wasn't, he was just a homophobic asshole that had no right to talk to me like that! That's why I called him a pendejo, it means asshole." Jisung said in his defense. "Who cares! Let him be an asshole and just keep moving, you could have gotten us killed because of your big mouth!" Minho exclaimed. "You're right, I'm sorry, I talk too much when I get nervous and he also really pissed me off so I got carried away.... But it was thrilling running for our lives from those men right? It will make for a great story with the guys." Jisung said grinning. "Forget the leash he talked about, you need a muzzle, to protect you from yourself." Minho said, pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes and rubbing his temples. "Good luck, I can't be tamed!" Jisung said with a slightly deranged laugh.

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