Chapter 10 - A Ghost

Start from the beginning

I still would need to work, but I wouldn't be involved in my class affairs more than I wanted.

A perfect position to gain some recognition without being treated as enemy.

Also, it would be my biggest shield against that blonde donkey Nagumo.

Only by having the same position as him, I could stand against him without involving more people.

I could also observe him from close distance and have a good grasp of his abilities and influence. Maybe I could find some of his weakness or mistakes.

Becoming a Vice-President would also give me some repellent force for students from my year as well as senpais.

Picking a fight with defective that is looked down would be easy for anyone. But with Student Council Vice-President? Many would think twice before they would do that.

But to get that position I needed to prove to Horikita Manabu that I am worth of it.

I think he will contact me after the school ends investigation about breaking rules by Nagumo. Let's just wait and see his attitude towards me.

Assuming that I will get that position, my work for class D could be minimal.

But I didn't want my class to be treated as losers group.

I probably should give them some hints without giving myself out too much.

Or find someone who could do this in my stead.

Someone, who would take a job, but couldn't rat me out.

Someone, who could become a key person in the class without coercion.

I could give such a person some advises when needed, while being sure that he won't pull me into class competition nor reveal my part in it.

Having someone important in the class as my friend or at least as my pawn would be beneficial to me. I could influence some class decisions through him or her and avoid some dangers towards myself.

After all, I can't neglect the game, even if I don't want to participate.

For now, let's check things up without giving any help. After getting to know my classmates, I will decide what to do next. We have entire three years, there is no need to rush.

While convenient, let's observe Sae-sensei as well.

If I really wants to get closer to her on personal level, she needs to stop seeing me as just student. I somehow needs to destroy this student-teacher relationship, preferably by guiding her into doing it herself.

Her reaction back then was quite big and may be a hint.

Did she react like that because figuring out S-System on the first day was so unbelievable or was  there more to that?

She seemed ambitious. Considering class competition format, she probably would want our class to win.

My lack of action for the class despite my knowledge may be an opportunity to see how much she cares about winning and to get closer to her.

I also should try to contact with other classes as much as I can in this month before the competition will be known for everyone.

Masumi and Fuka may be a good way to befriend class A and class B. I should also contact with Nishino to make a way to class C.

If I manage to somehow anchor my presence in other classes, I could use my status as member of Student Council to stabilize my position after big revelation in the next month.

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