Chapter 9

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Treasure Macie Bownes

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Treasure Macie Bownes

I was up at like 4 Am watching TikTok

Turn that shit down bruh

My bad I turned my phone off and stretched

Wake up

Hell naw gang

Wake up tay I'm bored

You won't trynna stay up for me

My bad wake up I kicked his leg

Ugh he sat up

Take this damn bonnet off I took it off his head

Aww the wittle baby tired I laughed looking at him

Mhm I put my leg over his leg and was about to go to sleep but I couldn't

You can't go to sleep huh

Hell naw I can't

My phone went off

I ignored it and talked



Do you thi-

My phone ranged again

Damn that's your nigga ain't it

Ion have one of those i picked up my phone

It was my mom texting me


Wya you ain't come home tn

Oh I'm at india house
Oh who you laying with ?

😂😂whaaat ma nb
Mhm imma find out

🫡🫡🫡🫡have fun.
Goodnight girl I love you

Love you to

After I got done texting tay was looking at me

Why you looking at me like that scaring me Nigga

My fault

Why you be acting like youn fuck with with a nigga

Ion do relationships

You act like you do

Your fun to hang around why we can't just be friends

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