Chpater 3

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*1 week later *

Treasure Macie Bownes

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Treasure Macie Bownes

Come here doggy I said to my little puppy I just bought

Ma I yelled

What she yelled back

I just went upstairs cause Im not finna keep yelling

Hey mama I said jumping in her bed

While she was in the mirror

Don't do that shit again

What you doing with that hair I said looking at her

You gonna do it thank you

Nope I said getting on my phone

Where my brother at

With his daddy but he finna drop him off I'm about to go for a walk so don't leave cause he finna drop him off

I won't today is a chill day

Good alright I'll be back

I went out her room and went to mines nobody was here just me

I posted on my spam



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