Author's Notes

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Maysie's Galaxy has changed dramatically over time. I wrote it in 4 chunks:

1. Losing our world (least about Maysie herself as it covers her from about 2-3 years old).
2, Growing up isolated with a her half-Sioux adoptive Father.
3. Meeting a hallucination/alien inside her head as she risks her life t contact other humans
4. The arc of young adulthood as she falls in love with her guard and works on the technology that may ultimately save the remnants of humanity
4. B. The epilogue where she's reunited with the alien, to show a hope for the future

I really thought I was going to be able to keep this in children or young adult, but dealing with a 23 year old woman doesn't fit those 2 categories. But I did manage to write some fairly intense scenes where sex never happened. There are 2 sentences that vaguely fit a "yeah they did it", and I've been trying to dial it back down to this for a while because once you start writing going all the way, its' more likely to keep going that way. Not everything needs to be mature, although I'm an older writer and do not fear it.

Already finished for ONC:
A Riding Need (heavy smut) Coins on a Battlefield (mild smut) and The King's Three Sons are both in 3rd round of ONC.

The next one's up:
Djinn Trap (one of the 4 that made 1st round, just didn't get to finish it before 2nd round was announced)
After these 4, it's a crap shoot:
The Essence of U (2nd chapter uses lyrics, so no wonder it failed—I ain't rewriting it unless I finish the rest of it and think it's got potential for anything more than a "freebie")
Wolf & X Bunny (I'm a pantser, "stream-of-conscious", and this was just my brain going off like a tea kettle)
All of them have up to 8K posted, and should be pretty much done next month, I'm hoping.

Wish me luck.

Oh, and there are common ties between the books, which marks them as having been written the same year, not the same universe.


Have not made any headers, yet, but one day will.

Maysie's Galaxy ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now