Working with the lover

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I couldn't help but notice Bradford staring at me, but I pushed it aside since he was my sergeant it had to be normal for a sergeant to be staring at one of his officers, right? Everything seemed so quiet while Bradford talked, and his mouth moved, but nothing seemed to come out.

"Chen." Bradford says

Nothing seems to hit my ears, so I hear not one thing he was saying.

"Chen!" Bradford yells, sounding angrier than before.

I snap out of whatever I was thinking of and look at Bradford.

"I don't care what you were thinking of. I need you to see me after roll call." He states and continues going on about how today may look.

I gulp as he finishes what he's saying, and everyone leaves. I walked up to the podium and looked at Tim's shoes rather than his face because I knew I messed up.

"First off, what could be so good to daydream of during my roll call?" Tim says, questioning me.

"I-well I just-." I stutter out

"Just listen here. Keep your wild fantasies out of my roll call." Tim's says then continuing on.

"What else did you need me for then, sir?" I say, looking up at him.

"It's nothing it's pointless now." He sighs.

"Are you sure? You know I will do anything for this job." I say confused.

"Seriously." He says, walking toward the door.

"Also, chen?" He says before walking out.

"Yes, sir?" I say, looking at him from across the room.

"You uh might want to button your uniform up more." He points at my uniform.

I look down and realize I almost flashed people in roll call today. I blush in a response and button my uniform.

He walks out. Angela walks in, smirking.

"What was that about?" Angela smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"It was nothing. My button just came undone, and I almost flashed someone." I say blushing more than before.

"Really now?" Angela raises both eyebrows.

"Yes, I'm going now." I say almost out the door.

"Good luck because you're riding with sarge today!" Angela giggles and smirks.

I pause but ignore her childish antics. I grab my gear and pack it in my shop, heading to the front seat. I open the door and sit down, buckling my seat belt. And realize Tim is right by me in the passenger seat.

"Shit, Tim! You gave me a damn near heart attack!" I say jumping.

He laughs. "Im sorry for how hard I was on you in roll call. Smitty claimed you were a big meanie. But it hurt my soul to yell at you." He says apologetic.

"I think Lopez is getting on about us because she saw me buttoning my shirt and thought we did something, but I think she knew without seeing that whole thing." I say, sighing and pulling out of the garage.

"She's a detective. I'm sure she'll find out. It's getting harder to hide us, you know that, right?" He says, moving the hair out of my face.

"I know. I swear I know I just don't want to hear all the things people are saying." I say.

I pull up to a gas station and park to look at Tim.

"Look, Lucy, it's going to be ok." Tim whispers and grabs my chin, gently pulling me in to kiss me.

I grab his face and kiss him back. I pull away and look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"You're so hot when you look at me like that." He says, unbuckiling his seat belt to get closer.

I giggle. "we can't do this here, Tim." I smile and look him up and down.

"Even if I wanted to, we shouldn't." I say, kissing him and setting him aside.

"How come beautiful?" Tim says, sounding desperate.

"Because we could get fired!" I say giggling more. I start the car back up.

"How about this, you let me take work off early, and we can go to my place and finish what you started at my place?" I say, rubbing his jaw with a finger.

He groans and nods. I giggle at how desperate he looks and how powerful it makes me feel.

We get into my apartment, and he pushes me against the wall. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist, giggling.

"You have the cutest laugh!" Tim says, throwing me on to the bed.

I giggle and blush more as he unbuttons my blouse, revealing the bright red laced bra I had just bought.

He bites his lip. "You're so pretty." He says in awe.

I kiss his chin and Russel his hair. I unbutton his shirt while he sits on top of me. Tim bends down and starts kissing me all over from my waist up.

"Lucy, for my first day on a job, it's been the worst!" Tamara says as she walks in on me and Tim.

I grab a blanket covering me and Tim.

"Oh, I should probably have knocked, and I should get going." Tamara winks and smirks at me.

I get up, put on a shirt, and hand Tim a shirt. "I didn't realize she would be home so early." I say being apologetic.

Tim gets up and walks over to me, pulling me in for an almost suffocating kiss. "You're perfectly fine, just next time we should go to my house."

I giggle, "For sure." I sigh then put my face in his shoulder. He rubs my head.

"You should go home,we both have an early shift tomorrow." I say kissing Tim's forehead.

Tim grabs my head and kisses me. "Yeah, probably. I guess I will see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I say

Tim leaves, and I go to bed after getting into pajamas.

Lucy and timWhere stories live. Discover now