Food poisoning? pregnancy?

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I get up, feeling horrible, and run to the bathroom to throw up. Tamara knocks on the door.

"Hey, you ok in there?!" She yells from the other side.

"No." I groans before puking again. I grab my stomach and cry.

Tamara busts through the door and hugs me. I push away to throw up. Tamara grabs my phone and dials someone.

"Hey, luce, I was just thinking about you." The phone says.

"Hey, it's Tamara. Lucy isn't feeling well and I'm worried can you come help." Tamara says, rubbing my back.

"Im on my way, Tamara. I appreciate it." The phone says hanging up.

Tamara rubs my back and holds my hair while I throw up. About 5 minutes later, Tim busts threw the door and got down on his knees to meet my level.

"Luce, it's okay, baby." Tim says, rubbing my back. He pulls me in and hugs me. I curl up into a ball in his lap as he rubs me.

"Im going to grab some water for you, Lucy, and some crackers." Tamara says, getting up and leaving.

"What happened, baby?" Tim says, looking at me. Moving the hair out of my face and grabbing a wash cloth to get the puke off my face.

I shrug my shoulders. "I j-ust woke up and t-hrew up." I stutter, hiding my face in his chest.

"Oh baby, maybe we should take you to the hospital." Tim says, kissing my forehead. And holding me closer.

Tamara comes back with the water and crackers. "Here, Tim helped her drink some water while I got the car started." She says, handing the water and crackers to Tim.

Tim nods his head and takes the stuff. He opens my mouth and helps me drink the water and eat the crackers. After I eat 2 crackers, Tamara gets back in letting Tim know the cars started and ready.

Tim picks me up and carries me to the car. I fall asleep in the car. We pull into the hospital, and Tamara unbuckles me while Tim picks me up and carries me through the hospital doors.

We walk up to the front desk. "Can I help you?" The lady says.

"Yeah, my girlfriend threw up multiple times and passed out." Tim says, holding on to me tighter.

"Alright well whats her name and date of birth(dob)." She says writing.

"Lucy chen and 7/12/1988." Tamara answers for Tim because he's getting impatient.

"Alright, and I assume you're the daughter?" The lady says, pointing at Tamara.

"I live with her. I'm her roommate." Tamara says.

"We just need a damn doctor!" Tim says, getting annoyed.

"Yes, sir." The lady says and pages doctors to find an open room.

After 10 minutes of waiting, doctors roll out a cot. Placing me on the cot, they rush me to the back Tim running alongside.

It was late, and they took the test more than I could count. Tamara had to leave because she had school in the morning. Tim stayed holding my hand along the whole way. Around 9 at night, the doctors finally came back with an answer.

Lucy and timOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora