♒ Aquarius Confessions!♒

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Hi, I'm an Aquarius and I'd like to make confessions:

1. Half of my personality is a lot like the Aquarius description: I am very smart, I do things differently, I do get lazy a lot, and I'm very honest and trustworthy.

2. The other part of my personality it the polar opposite of that: I'm very outgoing, loud, and obnoxious, and super crazy. People probably think I'm insane, scratch that I AM insane, my friends tell me that on a daily basis and I say: "Tell me something I dont know"/ "Thanks" every time. My motto is literally: Too Weird To Live, To Rare To Die (P!ATD Album name). I used to be shy and not talk at all (that was only a couple years ago), and when I tell people that, they either dont believe me or are 100% mindblown/shocked. (May get a bit depressing from here on out, but it's just the truth, and thats what confessions are for: being truthful)

3. Whenever I'm in a relationship I always get my heart broken. I love to so full and so true, and it feels like no one else is like that. And I get so devastated when they call it off. I just wish I could find someone who loved like me, but I dont think that will happen. (This may sound cheesy) My love is like Love you only see in fairy tales. Your probably thinking that sounds corny, maybe it does, but its true.

4. Speaking of heartbreak: My biggest on yet happened less than a month ago. It all started back in 8th grade. It was first day of school, 6th period, and I walked into class. The teacher told us we could sit anywhere, but there would be a seating chart the next day. So I go to the back, set my bag down, and sit. (Once again, going to sound cheesy/corny/not true, but im telling you, this is exactly what happened, i swear) I look over, and there sits my best friend, June (not her real name, just a fake name I made up in, case she doesn't want her name put on here), and right then and there is when I start having feels toward her in a relationship way. Over the course of the next month, I fall deeply in love with her. Year and a half later, after multiple rejections from her, like "I dont love you like that", after having two girlfriends: I'm still in love with her. We're having a text conversation, and she tells me that she likes someone. So, (btw my feelings toward her are starting to fade a bit at this point in the story) being the best friend I am, I try to pry the information out of her. She doesn't tell me who it is, but she describes the boy. Its late and she says goodnight and " leaves". I stay up for a little while longer, and I'm thinking back on the conversation when it hits me. I race to get my phone and I get to the conversation as fast as I can't, and I read the description: It matches me perfectly. So for the next 24 hours, my head was telling me its just a coincidence and to forget about it, while my heart told me that it was me she was describing. That night, texting June, my heart won. She told me that I was right, and she did like me, but she didnt know of if she actually loved my like that, or if I was a passing crush. So I waited, and three weeks later, on February 6, 2015 we officially started dating. It was the most amazing three months of my life, the only bad part is what I just said. That it was only three months. She ended it on May 10, 2015. It was the first time I ever cried over heartbreak. Hell, it was the first time I cried over anyone. It is now May 27, 2015. Everyone thinks I'm over it, but I'm afraid that I never will be over it.I think that everybody in the world has someone that they never got over from their high school years, unless of course they ended up with them. She is just that person for me: the one I'll never forget.

5. Ok, enough of that depressing heartbreak story and onto the depressing reality inside me, after all, this is a confession xD. Ok, the fact of the matter is that, just like Aquarius's, I have a lot more going on inside than what I let people think. And the main thing going on in me is, what do ya know: my old friend Depression. People think I'm just a happy-go-lucky guy that doesn't have feelings/doesn't get hurt feelings and/or just plain don't care, because thats what I act like. All of that makes me the #1 target for insults/mean-ish jokes. People think that it doesn't bother me, but it really does. And even thought a lot of people know me, I'm by far not a "popular kid". I'm a nerd/geek who has a bit more acne than everyone else. Everything I have mentioned makes me the perfect target for bullies, and if I were still in the city, I probably would be bullied a ton, not just emotionally, physically too. I have had thoughts of cutting. I would do it, I'm just scared of the pain (an example of how weak I am). I also have had suicidal thoughts, but not serious ones.

6. I generally dont like people. I generally hate people (this doesn't make me a hater, haters hate people for a specific reason, I just dont like people period, unless you are nice), not all of them, just the ones who got in one of the following categories: Dumbass/Jerk/Bully/Hater/Fakes/Meanies, which in my world, is 95% of the population. I just wish they would all go die in a hole. I hate haters the most.

7. I am turning emo. My friends have recently noticed it and mentioned it to me, even thought on th inside it has been happening for a while now. I hate when people say goth when they describe something emo. They are two different words people!!! I have this weird want to be called an "emo freak" or something like that, because I take that as a compliment. I LOVE my individuality!!! I'm basically a walking contradiction: I act like a nerd and look like one 50% of the time. And I am an emo on the inside and I dress like one the other 50% of the time.

8. Thats basically all I have to confess. Sorry if it was too long, but hey, its just the truth.

9. One more: Music is my escape, I love it. Fall Out Boy! Panic! At The Disco! My Chemical Romance! Green Day! Imagine Dragons!

A/N: Thanks so much for all the confessions you guys sent me! It was fun reading them all ^_^ I really enjoyed doing the confessions thing for my book, I earned a lot of new friends lets say WP family and it was pretty fun! Thanks again guys! Love you all . and for the support too.. And sorry to let you all know this but Confessions are finally over! Its done with maybe I'll do again for SUMMER! Thanks for understanding, again it twas fun to read. Y'all were pretty participative xD So don't send me anymore confessions until I do a next post with requesting of it.

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