Chapter 4

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          Mr. Tibbles was too oblivious to what was going on and didn't turn around in time, getting hit in the head with the puck and getting knocked out. 

          "What the hell!" I exclaimed standing up

          "Were you even paying attention?!" Someone yelled at me 

          "Excuse me, WHAT!" 

          "You almost got hit. I shoved you out of the way and dove at the last second." 

          "A warning woulda been nicer" I snapped back 

           "So would a 'thank you'" Dean mumbled. 

          I heard what he mumbled but ignored him. We all skated towards where Mr. Tibbles was, they put an icepack on his head, and tried to wake him up. 

          "Mr. Tibbles? Mr. Tibbles, Can you hear me?" 

          The lady who walked in with him asked as Coach put what I think was smelling salts under his nose. He woke up instantaneously. 

          "Oh, uh I-I'll have the cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate shake please." 

         We all laughed, nd the lady told coach they'd keep an eye on him, before she introduced herself. 

         "Oh, I'm sorry, he didn't get the chance to introduce us. I'm Michele Mackay the their tutor." 

          Coach awkwardly introduced himself as we all groaned bout still having school. 

        "I don't need no school!" Dean exclaimed as I rolled  my eyes at him. 

         "Clearly you could use a lesson on grammar" I mumbled. 

        Dean heard me and glared looking down at me and I returned  the glare. Goldberg tried to bargain with Ms. Mackay and we all started getting excited thinking she'd actually let school be optional. That was until she told us that if we weren't to attend the class we weren't going to be eligible to play, that totally sucked, i thought we might actually bet a free pass on school. After the practice we all went back to our locker rooms, with the ducks going home and us out of state kids going back to our hotel we were staying at. The next day we had another practice, but this practice was at 8am, ugh I hate getting up early. At that practice Coach had us tied up together, ew I was Infront of Dean and Fulton. 

          "This is more crowded then a truckload of goats" Dwayne complained

         "Somebody better watch their hands"

          "Yeah someone licked me"

           "Aw I smell something" 

          One of the guys pointed out a wretched smell, I smelt it too. 

           "GOLDBERG!" Everyone exclaimed. 

           "It wasn't me!" He tried to defend himself 

          "Yeah cause something just randomly smells like a fart, Goldberg" I mumbled sarcastically. 

          Then I heard the big idiot behind me say something. 

         "No! It was me!" Dean shouted proudly. Making me roll my eyes and fake gag 

        "You're disgusting" I mumbled 

        We were all complaining a little, until coach blew the whistle. 

         "I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team, and to win this thing, you have to work as one. Now as one. Skate" 

          We all tried to skate, all going our own ways and all falling down. I fell side ways, or so I thought, until I heard a chuckle. EWW! OH COME ON! I landed right on top  of Dean Portman. He was chuckling at it and I was trying to find a way to move so I could get away from him but it was impossible. there was absolutely nowhere to move to. 

         "Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Now get up and try it again" 

         On the second try dean decided to try and tell us what to do. 

         "Alright all of you move to your right. Now!" 

         "Who made you boss everyone to the left" Fulton undermined 

         Once again we all fell down, this time I landed between the two bozos. Once we eventually got the hang of it and skated as one, Coach untied  us. Me and Julie moved as far away from Dean as possible. We actually ended up going over to the only other girl on the team and introducing ourselves to her, before coach gave us a small speech.  

         "You guys are starting to look like real hockey players, I'm proud of you team. You worked hard today." 

         He went on saying that hockey should also be fun. Then called out: 

         "Rancher Dwayne" 

         "Yes sir" 

         "Round me up some stray cattle there." 

         Coach said in the worst country accent I've ever heard. We all got up skating around the ice as Dwayne tried to "round us up" like stray cattle. After a little while of that Dwayne ended up teaching us how to do a country line dance on the ice. I gotta say, that was absolutely hilarious, a bunch of hockey players on the ice trying to line dance, we looked like 5 years with no coordination in a ballet class. After "practice" we met up with Mr. Tibbles for lunch, since he said he had something to show us all. 

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