Chapter 1

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It was a warm summer afternoon and  I had just woken up. Ugh the sunlight was so bright in my room! 

              "Emery! There's something in the mail for you. It's some sports thing!" 

              I heard my brother Cameron shouting from the hallway. I groggily sat up rubbing my eyes. He knocked opening the door. 


          He tossed the envelope at me. He sucks at throwing so it landed on the floor. 


           He nodded as he closed the door leaving my room, as I opened my letter that read: 

          "Dear Emery Westluck 

                               This is the Junior Goodwill Games Committee. We are formally inviting you to play for Team USA Hockey. To accept this offer please call us at the number below: 


- Formerly  

The Junior Goodwill Games Committee"

I was so excited that I jumped out of my bed running out of my room, to the living room where Mom and Cameron were 

          "Mom! Cam! I was offered a sport in the Junior Goodwill games! We have to call this number to accept!" 

          "Okay we will call now." 

          Mom responded calmly. I typed the number into the phone, after a few rings they picked up. 

         "Hello, Junior Goodwill Games Committee, Janice speaking." 

         "Hi, this is Emery Westluck, I'm calling about the information for the Junior Goodwill Games. I just received a letter, offering me a spot" 

          "Yes, on Team USA. In two weeks you will be boarding a flight to Minnesota to meet your teammates. Then two days after you arrive in Minnesota, you will fly to LA for your first game. We will be mailing you your plane ticket and more information soon, it should arrive in around five days." 

          "Okay, thank you so much! Bye" 

          "Goodluck, bye" 

          I hung up the phone, telling Mom and Cameron about what the lady said. 

          "Congrats little sis" 

          "Congratulations Emery, but sweetheart, I'm not too comfortable with the idea of you going out by yourself." 

         "Mom, I'll be fine, trust me. Please, it's my one chance to show the world how good I am at hockey. Please" 

         "I'm not sure Emery." 

          Mom is as stubborn as a mule but I know how to get to her. Also I have the guys by my side, they can help me convince her, she trusts them, well, she trusts Darry mostly, but still. Same point. After talking to Mom and Cameron for a little, I dead sprinted down the street to my friends' house. It was actually the Curtis Brother's house however we all constantly hung out there when any of us weren't working, at a sport, or at school. We practically lived with them, especially in the summer. I banged on the door hoping one of them was there, Darry opened the door 

          "What's up kid?" 

          "Darry you guys aren't going to believe this!" 

    "well come in and tell us ya bonehead"

"I was offered a spot on Team USA Hockey for the Junior Goodwill Games!"

I exclaimed excitedly, trying to contain my happiness.

"Nice job!"


They all congratulated me. I hung out with them for the rest of the day. As the five days passed by agonizingly slow, I started growing impatient so I would go to work with Steve and Soda a the DX or work with Darry, to get my mind off of it. Before and after work I would practice hockey with the guys so I could fix things before meeting my new teammates. On the fifth day after I got the first letter and called, an envelope for me came in. Inside the envelope was a schedule, the team's roster, and my plane ticket from Tulsa to Minneapolis Minnesota with directions on where to meet a Mr. Don Tibbles. As I read through all the names on the roster I recognized some as the Ducks, I've heard about them on the radio and on TV. I heard that kid Fulton Reed, has really strong slap shot, however his accuracy isn't always 100% or near 100%. As the time to fly to Minnesota was approaching, I started to figure out whatever i needed to pack and take with me, along with practicing nd training harder.

--------------Time skip---------------

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