"Welcome to Zygerria, I am Queen Miraj Scintel, ruler of this planet. Unfortunately, our preparations for the dinner aren't finished yet so I beseech you to wait in rooms we arranged for, especially you." she said and bowed down a little to you.

A small gaze of yours wanders around and you see eight guards on their toes with three slaves besides the Queen. You agree and follow the enslaved Servants to your assigned rooms. The three of you were split up and you received your room first. It was big and comfortable with a beautiful view over the big city, but you couldn't relax even for a second, after all you are in enemy territory, so instead of relaxing you tried to meditate. When a Sith meditates he doesn't try to control his emotions, he sets them free and gains power through them, that is what your master told you. Preferably you meditated alone since it the possibility of hurting somebody else was high. Through the force you inspected the palace but couldn't find the Vice Admiral or the Pilot.

~Vice Admiral Vess' POV

After Lord (S/N) was taken to his room, our pilot and I were escorted to what we thought would be our chambers but unfortunately not. The servants led us into a trap, and we now were surrounded by around ten guards where we had only two small blasters. A fight would be hopeless but only relying on our Lord would hurt my ego. I joined the military to be of use to him, not to drag him down, so the pilot and I pulled our guns, ready to die in this very moment. The Queen however had other plans for us. She pulled out a whip and smacked the guns out of our hands.

"Shit!" the pilot besides me yelled, "What now?"

I couldn't even answer him since even I was unable to cope the situation. But then something strange started to happen. Out of nowhere the two guards by the door started to gasp for air and floating, pressed against the wall. Fear spread through the Queens eyes, and it looked like she knew what was about to happen.

"This can't be!" she whispered to herself, "STOP HIM!" Queen Scintel yelled at her guards, every cell of her body terrified.

The door then opened and the person we saw was Lord (S/N). He snapped the necks of the first two and proceeded to slaughter the others. One was brave enough to storm at him but felt the Lord's lightsabre stabbing through his chest quickly. He seemed unstoppable. Four of them teamed up against him, Lord (S/N) dodged the shots of their blasters elegantly while blocking the swings of the electrified staffs. Even though he had his red mask on I could feel his smile growing in enjoyment until two more joined the fun while the last one stood by the Queens side. They pulled out their whips and both got one of the Lords arms. Instantly the four others ceased their attacks but didn't let their guard down.

"I want to see him suffer for killing three of my guards." Queen Scintel ordered.

"It isn't wise to anger a Sith." I warned her with a smug grin.

Annoyed by my behaviour the Queen slapped me to the ground and I could only watch how the guards pushed some button on their whips, which electrified them. Lord (S/N) didn't make a sound but the pain was written all over his face. The moment they stopped I could see that the Lord's eyes had returned to their normal greenish colour and lost all hope. Queen Scintel saw the same and was sure of her victory.

"A Sith as my personal slave. That is indeed something I would love." she said menacingly.

Lord (S/N) 's gaze went up and met that of the Queen. It held nothing but coldness and focus and Queen Scintel once again felt her whole body fill with fear.

"BRING HIM DOWN!" she yelled scared.

Her guards once again electrified their whips but Lord (S/N) didn't seem to be bothered by that. Not a single muscle of his reacted to the electricity shooting through his body and step by step he moved forward. Two blaster shots went his way, but our Lord just redirected them easily with the force as if no one were pulling on his arms. The shots missed their target but killed the two with the guns. Then the Lord pulled back his arms, only to push them forward with everything he had, sending the two with the whips flying and smashing them into the wall right behind the Queen, while also knocking the last one out with the force. Her look was fearful terrified. None of her guards remained and a fearsome Sith was standing right in front of her.

"Go guard the door. I need to talk to her in private." Lord (S/N) ordered us.

We did not understand the reason but obeyed and waited outside guarding the only door to the throne room.

~(Y/N) 's POV

The door closed and you had everything exactly as you wanted it to be.

The Queen started to stammer: "Do you want money? I can give you a lot of it. Or do you want women? We have the most beautiful and they will-"

"I don't care for those lesser things" you cut her off, "I need something more important."

You pull her closer to you with the force until her throat landed right in your hand.

"We will make a contract now." you say.

"What contract are you talking about?" she said with dread under her tone.

"You will inform me of every little transfer site where you trade slaves. In exchange when we attack them not every single one of your people will die then." you proposed tightening your grip.

"And why should I accept such a foul deal?" Queen Scintel asked with the last bit of pride she could gather.

Angrily you smash her into the wall, almost making her unconscious but still enough to inflict the maximum of pain bearable to her. Your face comes closer to hers and just right beside the Queens ear you stopped to whisper.

"Because if you don't, you and your whole race will cease to exist and nobody in the galaxy would shed a single tear."

Queen Scintel was trembling and accepted your conditions.

"May I ask why you tell me that you will attack my trading places but let my people live and continue making new slaves?" she asked.

"Even if it is none of your business, I will tell you. In order to expand my military, I will need more soldiers and since Nathema alone isn't capable of producing that much manpower in such a short span of time I will have to use other methods. Freeing slaves guaranties you their eternal gratitude and most of them will join me in my fights to settle their dept. That way I gain loyal and determined soldiers without having to wait for long. They will see me as their saviour and look up to me, which strengthens their beliefs in me. That way they grow more loyal and obedient." you explain.

Queen Scintel was shocked by your wickedness and genius.

"Now tell me all about the slaves you have gathered here in your very palace." you ordered her, "And don't even think about telling anyone about this contract. I found out about the one you had with the CIS so don't think I wouldn't find out if you were leaking any information."

After you were finished with the contract and information you just threw the Queen on the ground and as you looked back you could see her biting her bottom lip, while smiling at you. You didn't care much about her and went to the cells with Vice Admiral Vess and your pilot.

"What a bitch." Vice Admiral Vess said while walking away.

"Watch your tone. Even though you are right she is still someone we could use." you remind her.

The Vice Admiral lowered her head in thoughts and the three of you proceeded to free the slaves in the palace. It didn't take the three of you long to get rid of the guards and take back the slaves with you to the Reaper. There you would meet up with Admiral Rayse and bring the freed slaves who were willing to fight alongside their saviour, which were a lot, back to Nathema with you. There they would be trained for combat and become part of the Nathema empires military forces.  

~Writers note

WE CRACKED 1K GUYS You're the absolute best. Well I am pretty hyped about it and just wanted to thank those who read my chapters regularly. Thank you for motivating me and enjoying my writing. It means a lot to me that you like what i write so please continue to do so in the future.  As always feel free to comment and enjoy the following chapters as well of course. ;)

By the way what are your thoughts on Vice Admiral Vess?

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