Both I and Mrs. Irabor watched Adesuwa climb up the staircase heading back to her room. “So, how did she respond?” She was quick to ask and our gaze was back on each other. 

“It’s hard for her. She doesn’t remember how happy she used to be in our company. She…” I sighed. “She looks at me in a different way.”

Mrs. Irabor’s gaze softened or rather, held pity and sorry. “Don’t be disheartened my son, we serve a living God and I’m sure he’s going to make your wife better again. Then, you two will officially be married and this will all seem like a painful memory from the past.”

I smiled at her. “You’re right and I wish that too. I’ll take her to the best doctor even if it overseas. I’m sure after treatment, those memories will return. In the meantime, I would love to spend time with her sometimes, take her placed that meant something to us. It might jog her memories.”

She placed her arm on my shoulder and smiled satisfactorily. “Yes, that’s a good idea. You’re also welcomed to have dinner sometimes with us. Your constant company will make you seem less and less of a stranger to her.”

I nodded and look at my wristwatch. It was getting late. I’d come here straight from work. In the end, I stood on my feet. “I should get going.” She stood up too.

“Yes, it’s best. Please, great your parents on my behalf and tell them how sorry I am that it’s unfortunate the way the events had played out.”

Her words were kind and I nodded to them. On my way out, I looked one last time at the staircase leading upstairs and was reminded of Adesuwa. In the past, she would walk me to my car and sometimes, we would share a simple kiss. She would wave goodbye until I drove out of the compound. I missed that. I missed her.

That night, again, I turned on my bed and stared into the darkness. Sleep eluded me. It has been this way since she first went missing and now, something else kept me up. A part of me recognised the feeling of fear but the other part refused to acknowledge it. Rather, I wanted to believe this was just another stepping stone to attesting to our great love. I’ve dreamt of holding her in my arms for so long and just loving her. The possibility that it might never come true was unacceptable for me. Mentally, I noted to myself to try harder to keep her safe and with me.

The tides racked in strong breeze that slapped my face and prevented me from leaving my eyes open the normal way. Yet, my face held a smile especially when I looked to the side and Adesuwa stood beside me. Thankfully, I was able to convince her to go out with me.

“Do you know where we are?”

“A beach.”

Though her answer wasn’t what I wanted to hear, still, I was glad she replied. 

“I mean… does it seem to you like you’ve been here in the past?”

She shook her head. “No.”

I felt disappointed and stared out to the sea. “We used to walk barefoot on the sand whenever we visited here. We spoke, laughed and was happy together. Many times, we held hands and… one day, I proposed to you and you said yes.” When I looked at her again, this time, her eyes were on him. It felt like for the first time in a long time, she really saw me and it made me happy.

“I’m sorry.” She said before momentarily looking away.


“I… At first, I felt upset and sadness especially after leaving Dayo. I didn’t realise or took notice that you might be suffering as well.”

A light sigh left my lips, almost as if something heavy was lifted off my chest. No matter how little, she was seeing me. “Please tell me, what do you feel right now when you look at me? I want to know.”

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