4| Okay, he has a friend

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Adedayo blinked a few more times, took a quick look back and hastened his steps out of the apartment, shutting the door right behind him. The man in front of him stared at him with slight confusion and worry in regards to his recent behaviour. Suddenly, a mischievous grin appeared on the man's face.

"Don't tell me you have a woman in there?" He teased and when Adedayo didn't deny but rather wore a strange cloak of guilt, the man's face lit up.

"Wait, you really do have a woman in your apartment? You? Adedayo Michael?"

Adedayo cocked his head a little to the side. "Listen, Sarki, it's a different story and I'll explain when I meet you tomorrow. I... I don't want to alarm her with your presence right now."

Sarki's brows arched up one second and then a light chuckle followed through. "Alarm her with my presence? Guy, did you pick her up from the streets? This is sounding ridiculous even for you. Abeg, I'm hungry, let's go in." Sarki tried to walk past him but Adedayo's stand was stronger than he expected.

"Please understand. I'll call you tomorrow."

Sarki took a step back, folded his arms below his chest and stared at Adedayo for some time as if that would be enough to grasp what was happening. "Dayo, I'm your only friend and I know you. I know you're not dating anyone and I know you don't pick up prostitutes." Sarki stared at him a little longer. "You just met this woman today, didn't you?"

Dayo's gaze wandered everywhere before meeting his friend's and it was clear to Sarki what the answer was.

"It's just temporary..."

"So, you brought a strange woman home? She could be anything, a thief, a kidnapper associate and even a witch."

"Please don't raise your voice. She could hear you." Dayo was more concerned about her feelings. As much as possible, he would rather she remained calm and less nervous around him. Maybe that's stupid of him but the truth is, he'd thought about everything Sarki said even before it was said to him and somehow, he'd come to believe she was nothing of a sort, just an ordinary woman in need of help.

Sarki stared at him; disbelief encoded in his gaze. To say he's utmost surprised with this news would be a lie. It has been six years of friendship with Dayo whom he had to save from himself more times than anyone would believe. His ridiculous attention and need to help out anything and anyone who seemed like they needed saving was slightly infuriating. Sarki could never understand it completely. Maybe that was part of the reason Adedayo became a teacher while he went ahead to get a government job.

"I'm not leaving here till I meet this woman." Sarki stated and with a deep look into his eyes, Dayo knew he meant it. This was an issue because he really didn't want to impose so much on Joy.


"I'll barge in. I'm warning you. It's better you let her know your dear friend is visiting."

Dayo ran a hand over his face, hesitated a bit more before walking back into his apartment, gently shutting the door behind him. The aroma from the boiling rice reminded him of what he'd left on fire and he hurried into the kitchen. Quick, he used a kitchen towel to carry the pot off the fire to the sieve in the sink. Thank God he arrived just before any could burn. After sieving, he poured the rice back into the pot, added salt and then some water before putting it back on fire.

When Dayo stepped out of the kitchen so did Joy, out of the room. He couldn't help himself from staring. She was in his shirt, in which its length couldn't make it to her knee. Maybe it was the bath and change of clothes but she had a different glow to her, one brighter that made her even much prettier.

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