10| It's not like that. It's like this.

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 Joy fluttered her eyes open. The night had been kind to her and she was grateful to not have had her recent vague dreams. It only left her more confused than she already was. Joy lowered her eyes, shifting a little on the bed and was surprised to find Dayo at the end, in front of the wardrobe. He was shirtless and had his back to her. Joy blinked a few times and her sense of courtesy nudged at her to look away. Yet, she couldn't.

Adedayo might be nice but it didn't change the fact that he was strangely mysterious. On first appearance, he does seem happy but there was also a hint of sadness. Well, in her case, she never chose to be mysterious, it happened. Joy had a weird understanding that this slight glimpse of his body might be the first step to opening his pandora's box and she was little by little having the urge to unravel him.

Her curiosity. Yes. That was the reason she wouldn't look away and not the fact that for a man who doesn't gym every day, the proportion of his back was beautiful. Dare she think, attractive. Broad shoulders, sturdy and fine line from the mid-neck point all the way down to the loin. His waist... Dayo put on his shirt and turned his head right away in her direction. Joy didn't think. Her eyes were shut the moment he looked in her direction. He closed the wardrobe and hastened his steps out of the room.

Only when she felt sure he was no longer in the room did she slowly open her eyes. For less than half a minute, she had a blank stare and then a light amusing scoff left her lips. She covered her face with her hand while feeling sillier than ever.

Joy stepped out of the room and was only able to catch the sight of him walking out of the apartment and in one hand, he held a black twenty-five liter plastic jerrycan. She took a look at the clock hung on the wall above the television. It was 6:35 a.m. Joy wondered where he'd hurried off to so early in the morning. It was a Saturday so she was sure he didn't have work today. She walked to the door and on opening it, again, she was only able to watch him leave through the gate.

Adedayo watched as the water from the pipe attached to the wall in a ninety degrees angle rushed into his jerrycan. He and likewise others like him in need of water had to pay to the owners of the building behind the wall. The water had been stored in a storex tank on account of days like this when the water would seize from flowing within the neighbouring houses and sometimes, the entire street. After his can was full, he closed it with its lid, folded the cloth in his hand into a roll and kept it on his head. He carried the can off the ground using his entire strength and onto the cloth on his head. Then, he began his walk back to where he came from.

The second he left the can on the ground a little away from the door, Joy pushed the door open and both looked at each other. She watched him use the back of his hand to wipe off the small sweat on his forehead and below his nose. She softened her expression.

"Good morning." She greeted him.

"Good morning." He replied with his own greeting. Her eyes shifted from him to the can beside him. He understood she wanted something a little like an explanation. As someone who didn't remember much, everything was more or less novice for her.

"I fetched water."

She nodded and folded her arms below her chest. "You could've woken me up. I could help."

"There was no need for that and besides, it's too heavy for you." He said as he came close, she understood he wanted to go in so she took a few steps back to let him in. At the same time, she wore a light frown between her brows.

"You don't know that. Maybe, I can carry it."

A casual chuckle left his lips and only after he saw her frown deepen, he realised he shouldn't have done that. He was quick to straighten his expression.

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