Chapter 1

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"Athelia, it's time to go!"

Athelia tensed and felt her insides knot together at the sound of her father's shout. As waves of dread washed over her, Athelia let out a shaky breath and a million thoughts raced around her mind, "I will end up at the stake by the end of the day!"

Placing the book and crystal she was holding onto a crate; Athelia brushed the dust from her emerald-green dress before climbing down from the attic and hurrying down the stairs. As she reached the door to the dining room, she could already hear the argument going on inside.

"Why is Athelia going and not me?" Cried Penelope, slamming her hands onto the table.

"We have already been over this!" Argued Winston, their father, "Athelia was born first, she is the one the Lords are expecting to see."

"She was only born first by a few minutes. Besides, they will kill her as soon as they find out!" Retorted Penelope.

"Don't say things like that, Penelope." Butted in Luisa, their mother, "Athelia has learnt to control it very well."

"They will figure it out one day..." Grumbled Penelope through gritted teeth, slumping back down into her chair.

Taking a deep breath, Athelia opened the door and walked in. As soon as she stepped into the room, Athelia could feel Penelope's envious gaze fixed to her as she walked over to their father. Even though they were twins, Athelia and Penelope had never gotten along very well.

"Oh Athelia! Why have you got dust in your hair?" Luisa fretted, hurrying over to brush away the dust from Athelia's chestnut-brown hair with her hands.

"Leave her alone, Luisa." Winston insisted, standing next to the door, "She looks fine, and we are already running late."

Athelia looked over to her father, one of the lords of Vandor Court. The court was made of King Aurion's most trusted Lords and Ladies who helped to run the Kingdom. Lord Winston had been in the court for many years, and Athelia knew she was expected to walk in her fathers' footsteps and become a Lady of the court one day as well.

Shaking the thought from her mind, Athelia followed her father outside, and they headed for the castle, which was just a short walk away from their house. Towering above the city, the castle was made from light grey stone and had many bright coloured windows. The lords and ladies' houses surrounded the castle so they would be close by when needed.

As they approached the castle, Athelia looked up at the guard tower which stood outside the castle. The blue, white and red checked flag flowed gently in the wind at the top of the tower. Lowering her gaze, Athelia looked at the door to the tower which was guarded by two guards. Knowing the dungeon was inside, Athelia felt a shiver down her spine.

"You will be fine." Spoke Winston encouragingly, "No one will notice, I promise."

"How can you promise that?" Asked Athelia, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"So long as you don't do anything, they would never suspect a thing." Answered Winston before sighing, "They are too set on accusing the lower classes and halflings."


As they entered the grand hall of the castle, Athelia began looking around in awe. The dark wood walls had been intricately carved, and there were arches for the walkways upstairs so passers-by could see what was happening. Looking forward as she walked down the aisle towards the throne, Athelia saw the grand golden and red throne raised on a small stage. Sitting on the throne was King Aurion, a largely built man decorated in grand red robes, who was in the late-middle stages of life. Above the throne on the wall was a large portrait of the king in his prime, decorated in the royal robes and crown, leaning on a large sword.

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