World Jumpers x GATE Opening II

Start from the beginning

It transitions to show Yao and Keith side by side as they lean on a tree. On the left — which was night — was Yao, who sat around the same purple bioluminescent flowers that release glowing petals. She clenched her right hand and balled it into a fist as she grabbed on, a depressed look on her face.

Keith, on the other hand, was in a morning field filled with maple trees. The leaves fell towards him as he clenched his hand around Tuka's red scarf that he held on his hand. He, like Yao, was looking down and had a somewhat depressed expression.

It then cuts to a tired Princess Piña, who curls into a ball in her bathtub, feeling incompetent at her ways of negotiating with the Japanese.

A quick transition to show a bunny woman like Delilah but with flopped ears like an actual bunny, silver hair and red eyes. She looks to be a slave and looks away before giving a fiery glare.

Then a transition to a scene of a noble and his men. He was charming yet cunning, had blonde hair and red eyes, and looked physically toned as seen from the exposed muscles his regal attire of maroon themed nobleman clothes was showing.

Then cuts to Kōji Sugawara and Reiko Shirayuri inside a mansion. Then to the Formal household with the maids bowing, Kain front and center, and Myui smiling innocently.

And lastly to a noble girl around Myui's age smiling gleefully. She had light brown hair tied in twintails by a red ribbon, amber colored eyes, and cream white skin.

(00:44 - 00:51) 🎶 Tabun sou iu toki ni fumidaseru koto ga
Tatakau tte koto sa 🎶

{I reckon being able to take another step at times like those
Means that you've chosen to fight}

It briefly shows the Flame Dragon's Cyber Virus form, which was the glitching headless skeleton of the giant reptile. It breathes fire into the valley and flames engulf the scene. As the flames died down, it once again had its head and flesh.

The World Jumpers one by one turned to look at the dragon with different kinds of emotions ranging from surprise, shock, determination, and battle hungry smirks. Just as the song reaches a climax, Keith screams out a battlecry — which was silenced by the perfectly timed music that follows.

(00:52 - 01:10) 🎶 Sekai no hate de kimi ga waraeru you ni
Kono kotoba ga itsuka kaze ni kieru you ni 🎶

{So that you'll be able to smile at the edge of the earth...
Like how these words will eventually vanish in the wind...}

It zooms out to show the World Jumpers charging towards the dragon, weapons drawn. Ashley takes flight and disappears off-screen. Zane activates his Limit Break, Toyokami summons her sniper rifle, Carlson materializes his Arc Staff, and Argus switches Pandora to its PF124 [Hatred] form — which is a triple barreled rocket launcher.

Keith spins his Blades of Chaos and performs the Hyperion Slam Runic Attack towards the dragon, which it evades by flying away. It was blinded by Ashley flying in and showering it with rockets from her crossbows, and grounded by Owen using his geomancy spell: Fossil Strike — which has Owen levitating a giant boulder from the earth and hurling it at his target, covering them in oil when it hits and explodes on them, dealing heavy damage.

Carlson then strikes his Arc Staff on the dragon, electrocuting it. It sends a torrent of flame towards him, only for it to be blocked by Toyokami's riot shield. The German girl retaliates by tossing a concussion grenade, disorienting it and giving Argus a chance to fire Pandora — unleashing three rockets once he is locked on target.

The rockets explode and set the dragon alight, though it wasn't bothered by it. It breathes fire towards him but he evades with Trickster Style and Kai cuts the flames apart with Blade Mode before zooming forward with Raiden's Falling Lightning skill to slice the dragon, flipping over its claw that tried to swipe him and delivering a flurry of slashes on its arm as he ran up it.

Just as he was about to slice its neck, he blocks its tail and gets sent offscreen, only for Zane to come up from his place and zooms forward with his Omnislash at the ready.

(01:11 - 01:20) 🎶 Hito ni warawareta tte ima kono toki dake wa kamawanakute ii
konomashii mirai nante no wa fumidashita saki ni shikanai 🎶

{Even if others laugh at you, this moment now is all you need to worry about
A favourable future only exists after you've taken that first step}

It transitions to show Tyuule in the nude, looking down after someone had their way with her in a regal bedroom. Then to Sugawara looking at his reflection in a mirror.

Then to Keith and GM staring down at each other, the former with narrowed eyes while the latter looked at him with a smile.

It then shows the King Duran of Elbe in a hospital bed in Alnus Garrison, then to a Japanese girl with black hair and brown eyes with bandages and gauzes wrapped on different areas of her body, and lastly the Emperor sat on his throne before zooming out to show the Empire's capital — Sadera.

(01:21 - 01:31) 🎶 Instrumentals 🎶

The remaining ten (10) seconds show a recap of the story so far in the form of moving films like the cinemas have.

It transitions to a photo getting taken at the last three (3) seconds. It was a picture of Itami with Rory, Lelei, and Tuka. Then the camera takes another photo, this one having the World Jumpers' real selves. And finally the last photo.

This one had the majority of the World Jumpers with their love interests. Rory clung on to Keith as he tried to regain his balance but toppled on Itami — who had Lelei hugging his arm. To their left — our right — was Tuka and Toyokami, performing the classic leaning down kiss with the latter on top.

Yao ducked under Rory's halberd while Zane had to lean below it to be seen in the picture. Beside them was Piña, whom Hamilton was clinging onto to avoid falling over because Tomita and Bozes may have scooted in to get in the picture, accidentally knocking the assistant over towards the princess.

Behind Itami and Keith was Ashley, who had the biggest smile amongst everyone aside from Owen and Kuribayashi, who decided that this was a selfie instead of a proper group picture since they were up front at the right side edge of the photo.

Owen even raised a peace sign with the middle finger ending up covering Kai's face, who appropriately replied with a middle finger that could be seen between Owen's fingers.

Thankfully, Mari wasn't out of the picture as she had a simple smile and wave expression beside Tuka and Toyokami.

Between Lelei and Itami was Kurata and Persia, the latter was hugging the former like a teddy bear. Beside Ashley was Major Kuwahara, who looked like a merry grandpa. On the bottom of the photo where there was some space was Argus and Panache, the former giving a backwards peace sign and a shy smile while Panache had her head tilted in curiosity.

Finally, on the top left corner was Carlson, who appeared to be tied up by Ashley's fishing rod to probably pull him upward to be seen. Of all the things the Brit could emote for the photo, it was a damn salute... Typical boy scout.

Intro End

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