"I'll be as quick as I can," I reply as I leave for my room. I put my feet up in my room and hurriedly snatched the Monegasque pilot's shirt and headed for the shower. I come out after a few minutes and opt for a simple pair of blue jeans and a white blouse, I grab my bag, my phone and run to join my friend at full speed.

"You look beautiful as always," he says and I give him a genuine smile.

"Thanks a lot Lando, you don't look so bad yourself," I say and we then head to breakfast. We sit down at a table and start eating and talking when we see my brother and his teammate coming towards us.

"Try not to mention the fact that you shared a bed last night," Lando says to me as the two Ferrari drivers come to sit at our table, all smiles.

"My three favorites people together !" Exclaims Carlos with a big smile and he comes to my side, put a kiss on my forehead. " How are you after last night ?" He adds.

"I feel like I've just come out of my coffin, but otherwise I'm fine," I reply, to which the whole table laughs.

"Does this shock anyone, when you two are together it's a disaster," my brother replies with a smile, happy that Lando and I get along so well and I know he'd like it to be the same with his new teammate but the latter was more than likely to piss me off.

"I just enjoy the time," I reply.

"And the free alcohol," adds Charles with a smirk on his lips, the same lips that ran through my entire body a few moment ago.

"Oh and the men too, the spanish guys are hot, I love my country !" I say to him, my eyes on his.

"Yeah I think we get it yesterday, you almost sleep with one of them," adds Charles with a proud smile, this little bastard.

"Carla is that true ?" Asks Carlos to me.

"No, I just dance with a guy nothing else," I reply to him, telling my truth because it was the way I see the things last night, I never thought for a moment that I would sleep with this man.

"Stay away of men hermana, I don't like to see you close to them," Carlos says to me with a fim tone.

"It was not my attention to give false hopes to this man," I tell him.

"I know, but I don't want you to fall for it and sleep with a man and have him drop you like a turd in the morning, you deserve someone good," he says to me and I let my gaze fall on Charles as he looks at me in panic, nodding slightly to tell me not to start the subject.

"A man did that to me once Carlos, and I can guarantee you I won't let it happen again," I tell him without taking my eyes off the Monegasque, as I feel Lando's heavy gaze on me.

"He's just a little shit, do I know him?" he asks me angrily.

"Oh good question," I respond by looking into his eyes, sensing the panic in Charles' and the confusion in Lando's.

"Don't tell me he's a friend of mine, please," he says, bordering on begging me with his eyes for my answer to be negative.

"No, no that little shit is not a friend of yours," I reply, feeling more than a little guilty for lying in his eyes.

"He's not a driver either?" he asks me still serious despite the panic slowly dissipating.

"No ," I add, not very proud of myself and then I see Charles relax, his stress having evaporated, and the pressure just disappearing from his shoulders.

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